We've all heard of the classic rule of thirds, leading lines, and other composition techniques. But going with the most common rules can get a bit boring at times. [Read More]
petapixel.com2022-5-23 18:10
We've all heard of the classic rule of thirds, leading lines, and other composition techniques. But going with the most common rules can get a bit boring at times. [Read More]
There can be a lot of gear-envy among photographers when they see others with tons of expensive camera gear, lighting equipment, and modifiers. It is also all too easy to say that you can’t be creative because you don’t have access to a particular light or piece of equipment. [Read More] petapixel.com »
2022-06-25 17:23
As little girls, most of us dreamed of moving to the magic world, being a princess and living in a castle, having animals, preferably lots of them, and having beautiful dresses and costumes. The post My Portrait Photography Is The Result Of Too Many Fairy Tales, Stories, Books, And Dreams (32 Pics) first appeared on Bored Panda. boredpanda.com »
2021-03-26 02:13
If you've been experimenting with portrait photography, then you'll know by now that it's not easy. Getting the perfect portrait requires skill, experience, and a lot of learning. Thankfully, in the digital era, with the likes of YouTube being at the forefront of content consumption, plenty of experienced photographers are happy to share their knowledge with the world. thephoblographer.com »
2020-07-05 07:00
My portrait photography education didn’t happen in a classroom, library, or workshop. Most of what I learned came from studying my heroes’ work, trying to figure out why I loved their pictures, and then putting my own twist on them. petapixel.com »
2020-03-25 18:16
Portrait photographer Miguel Quiles recently released a two-part series on “portrait hacks” that might be his most popular series of tips ever. In the videos, he covers 10 tips from his years of experience shooting and teaching workshops—tips that he says “everyone wishes they knew sooner.” Part 1 was released back in March of 2019 […] petapixel.com »
2020-01-31 20:59
While portrait photography tips seem to be predominantly for posing females, there are actually a good number of tutorials out there showing how you can pose male subjects. If you're new to photographing men, you'll mostly find it challenging to direct them into poses that work. thephoblographer.com »
2019-12-09 20:00
Looking for a cheap colored light for your next portrait shoot? Look no further, because your smartphone will work if you're in a pinch! Not everyone can afford professional studio lights that can take color gels. thephoblographer.com »
2019-08-14 10:00
I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, and I want to talk about 4 things I truly hate about portrait photography in 2019. #1. Nobody Knows What a Portrait Is We’re living in a bizarro world. petapixel.com »
2019-04-17 17:41
Portrait photography is often a reason for many people to initially get into photography. Be that for taking portraits of their children or family, or simply just having an interest in capturing images of people. thephoblographer.com »
2018-06-23 07:00
Portrait photography is often a reason for many people to initially get into photography. Be that for taking portraits of their children or family, or simply just having an interest in capturing images of people. thephoblographer.com »
2018-06-23 07:00
Portrait photography these days often call for creative and uncommon poses, but there are still a handful that never go out of style. If you're wondering how you can make your portraits pop and eye-catching, try this pro tip of getting your female model to do the classic arms up pose. thephoblographer.com »
2017-09-16 13:00
Canon USA have announced a new portrait photography tour.
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photographyblog.com »2017-07-28 13:00
My name is Dave Harrell. I am a portrait photographer just beginning to make a regional name for myself. I shoot in Northern Michigan and, while focusing on portraits, I am now also booking weddings (I have 5 this year). thephoblographer.com »
2017-05-30 13:00
Ready for some rapid-fire DIY tips? A team of French photographers who goes by the moniker “Shootr” has put together a simple photo hacks video that offers a few creative ideas for your next portrait shoot. petapixel.com »
2017-03-28 19:44
Questions on the subject of lens choice are as limitless as lens choice itself. Show me 10 photographers and I’ll show you at least 11 divergent opinions on which lens is right for a particular type of photograph. petapixel.com »
2016-10-31 21:40
While the world now revolves around digital photography with the Megapickles race running rampant, there is still a movement of going back to and enjoying traditional approach in photography. Cahute is a portrait studio based in Finland that specializes in 8x10 large format camera on direct positive paper. thephoblographer.com »
2016-10-20 15:49