How to Capture a ‘Dramatic’ Food Photo Using Cheap Gear

Food photographer Joanie Simon of The Bite Shot has put together a helpful tutorial that shows you how to capture “dramatic food photography” using an extremely cheap DSLR. Specifically, she picked up a used Canon Rebel T2i with a kit lens for just $200.

Simon typically uses full-frame cameras and lots of artificial light to […].

how capture dramatic food photo using cheap gear

2020-4-7 21:07

how capture → Результатов: 12 / how capture - фото


How to Capture a Bold Wine Bottle Photo with a Single Speedlight

If you’re interested in product photography, Dustin Dolby‘s channel workphlo is definitely worth a bookmark. Using minimal equipment, he’s able to capture distinct looks like this makeup shot, and in this tutorial he’ll show you how a single speedlight can produce a bold beautiful wine bottle photo that looks 100% pro. As usual, Dolby breaks […] »

2017-05-10 23:20