Результатов: 16

Лучшие фотографии Nikon Surf Photography Awards 2020

Перед группой из 10 авторитетных судей из индустрии серфинга, включая семикратную чемпионку мира по серфингу Стефани Гилмор, была поставлена задача выбрать лучшие из лучших фотографий серфинга в 2020 году для премии Nikon Surf Photography Awards. photar.ru »

2020-4-6 15:13

Mario Daniele Transforms Beach Scenes Into a Painterly Surf Series

There mere mention of surfing gets us imagining scenes of stoked sufers riding these big hypnotic waves and the unique lifestyle they lead. We are reminded of those close-up shots of the surfers in all their energy, the beauty of the raging ocean, and the hard work countless photographers put in just to capture the perfect action shots. thephoblographer.com »

2019-2-26 11:00

Mark Tipple’s Underwater Photography Documents a Different Side of Surf

Surf photography is one of the most fascinating and exciting genres, but Australian freelance photographer and filmmaker Mark Tipple had a different idea in mind for his own approach. Instead of taking snaps of the agile surfers as they ride out the waves, he chose to capture what happens during a wipeout or a plunge into the turbulent waters. thephoblographer.com »

2018-3-22 22:00