Spend any time chatting with fellow photographers about Adobe Lightroom and you're bound to hear about performance issues. It's one of the most common and widespread complaints: even with tons of RAM, a great graphics card, and a powerful CPU, many computers still struggle to keep Lightroom running smoothly.
Until now, Adobe itself has stayed pretty much silent on the matter, but in a post on the company's Lightroom Journal blog, they finally fessed up and are asking for your help.
"I would like to address concerns recently voiced by our community of customers around Lightroom performance," writes Tom Hogarty, photo product management at Adobe, "as improving performance is our current top priority. "
The post goes on by stating that Adobe already understands many of the worst "pain points" and are "investing heavily" in improving those areas. "Over the past year we’ve added numerous enhancements to address your performance concerns," says Hogarty, "but we understand we will have a lot of work to do to meet your expectations. "
And speaking of expectations, this is where you come in. Adobe wants to work with customers to identify the most important and bothersome workflow and performance issues that need fixing. So if you're frustrated by the slow plodding pace of Lightroom and you want to be part of the solution, you can gripe about issues general and specific by filling out this survey.
. dpreview.com2017-7-12 21:01