Lightroom Launches Mobile Improvements, Says Full Version Will Get Faster

Lightroom Launches Mobile Improvements, Says Full Version Will Get Faster

Adobe’s Lightroom software has increased dramatically in popularity over the last few years due to a number of factors. Competition among RAW convertor software fell away when Apple pulled the plug on its Lightroom-competing software, Aperture.

What’s more, the launch of Lightroom on Adobe’s cloud-sharing subscription service, Creative Cloud, made the program more affordable to amateur and professional photographers alike.

One bugbear that has often been raised about Lightroom though is it’s speed during operation, with many wishing the program could run faster. Well, photographers who love image-editing will be pleased to hear that Adobe are taking your concerns seriously. In fact, Adobe staffer Tom Hogarty used the Adobe blog to address the issue head on. Tom wrote; ‘I would like to address concerns recently voiced by our community of customers around Lightroom performance, as improving performance is our current top priority. We have a history, starting with our first public beta, of working with our customers to address workflow and feature needs, and we’d like to take that same approach regarding your performance concerns. ’

Tom continued; ‘ We already understand many of the current pain points around GPU, import performance, certain editing tasks and review workflows and are investing heavily in improving those areas. Over the past year we’ve added numerous enhancements to address your performance concerns but we understand we will have a lot of work to do to meet your expectations. ’

Firstly, isn’t it great to have an insider address the concerns of customers and secondly, it sounds like we could see improvements in Lightroom’s performance speed soon.

Hot on the heels of Tom’s blog comment, Adobe announced improvements to the mobile version of Lightroom, which can be used on iOS and Android devices. The biggest headline is that Adobe is introducing a Selective Brush feature, but this for the iOS version only. Additional, Adobe has also added in the ability to selectively erase both the linear and radial gradients for iOS users.

iOS Lightroom Mobile users can now edit with a Selective Brush

Adobe has also introduced a new interface for iPad users, stating; ‘we’ve worked hard to make a truly portable and yet powerful version of Lightroom that is designed for the larger touch-based interface of an iPad. ’

Adobe has created a new interface for those using Lightroom on iPads

However, Android users have not been ignored and will see a refreshed interface, too. Adobe says ‘every screen has been redesigned with the goal of ensuring a natural, native Android experience while providing the highest quality, professional-grade mobile photo editing app ever. ’

Android Lightroom users will also see a new interface


adobe lightroom has performance interface concerns

2017-7-20 03:00

adobe lightroom → Результатов: 29 / adobe lightroom - фото


Adobe Lightroom v6 is Falling Apart

Lightroom version 6.0, officially Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC 2015, was the last major release of Lightroom that was available with a perpetual license (i.e. a one-time purchase). Unfortunately, some users who don’t wish to make the jump to paying a subscription through the Creative Cloud are finding that “perpetual” isn’t as all-encompassing as they thought. […] »

2020-12-24 22:35

Adobe Lightroom Classic 10.0: новые инструменты работы с цветом

Как и обещала ранее, компания Adobe выпустила октябрьское обновление своего популярного RAW-конвертера Adobe Lightroom Classic 10. 0, который получил новый инструмент коррекции цвета для теней, полутонов и светов, а также долгожданную функцию многих владельцев камер Canon – просмотр Live View при съёмке в компьютер. »

2020-10-20 15:43

Adobe Lightroom и Photoshop запрещены в Венесуэле

Да, это правда, Adobe Lightroom и Photoshop с сегодняшнего дня запрещены в Венесуэле. Правительство США сегодня запретило компании Adobe продавать свою продукцию кому-либо в Венесуэле, кроме того, Adobe должны запретить использование их фоторедакторов и тем, кто уже его приобрел подписку. »

2019-10-15 15:33

Adobe Lightroom и Photoshop запрещены в Венесуэле

Да, это правда, Adobe Lightroom и Photoshop с сегодняшнего дня запрещены в Венесуэле. Правительство США сегодня запретило компании Adobe продавать свою продукцию кому-либо в Венесуэле, кроме того, Adobe должны запретить использование их фоторедакторов и тем, кто уже его приобрел подписку. »

2019-10-14 19:50

Adobe Lightroom’s Latest Update Should Play Well with Fujifilm RAW Files

Software updates are always a good thing, especially the long overdue ones. While today's Lightroom Ecosystem announcement isn't just Fujifilm Specific, users of the X-Trans based sensors will be pleased to know that the algorithms used to decipher RAW files have been given a boost, and both Bayer and X-Trans RAW files should see a 30% improvement when it comes resolving fine details. »

2019-02-13 17:00

Новые функции Adobe Lightroom и Camera Raw

Adobe выпустила августовское обновление для Adobe Lightroom CC (v1. 5), Adobe Lightroom Classic CC (V7. 5) и Adobe Camera Raw (10. 5). Новые версии программ исправляют ряд ошибок и приносят новые функции и поддержку свежих камер и объективов. »

2018-08-27 13:54


Adobe выпустила обновление Camera Profiles для ACR и Lightroom

Компания Adobe выпустила крупное обновление для Camera Profiles (теперь эта функция называется просто – «Профили» – Profiles) в Adobe Camera Raw (ACR), Lightroom Classic CC, Lightroom CC и обеих мобильных версиях Lightroom Mobile. »

2018-04-04 13:37

Adobe Lightroom предлагает экспорт фото из облака

Lightroom CC, фоторедактор для снимков, хранящихся в облаке, до сих пор не предлагал способ быстрого и легкого экспорта фотографий на внешнее устройство. Новое приложение Lightroom Downloader меняет это. »

2017-11-15 16:45

Macphun answer to Adobe Lightroom will be launched in 2018. And here is the first teaser video!

Pissed off by the fact that Adobe killed the Lightroom standalone version? Well we have good news to report. Macphun (Click here) shared to us this new teaser video of their new Digital Asset Management platform that will be launched in 2018! After recent Adobe news about Lightroom updates, we received a lot of questions about […] The post Macphun answer to Adobe Lightroom will be launched in 2018. »

2017-10-19 16:12

Thanks Adobe! There Are Two Different Versions of Adobe Lightroom CC Now

Today, Adobe is introducing brand new versions of Adobe Lightroom entitled Adobe Lightroom CC and Adobe Lightroom Classic CC. What's the difference you ask? The way that I like to think of it is that it's more or less designed for more of the desktop, classic (hint hint) experience while the other is more centered around the people who can't figure out how to work sliders unless they're in an Instagram-like interface. »

2017-10-18 16:00

Adobe Lightroom 7 Coming Soon

It looks like a closed beta for Lightroom 7 is happening according to a Photo Rumors source. A current beta tester had this to say (via Photo Rumors): Since two days I am investigating the improvements of the new and still unreleased LR 7 (still beta). Please note that it is a beta and EVERYTHING Read more... »

2017-09-23 16:45


Adobe Lightroom 6 обещает актуальные изменения

Компания Adobe готовится запустить новую версию своего популярнейшего конвертера, Adobe Lightroom 6, 20 марта 2015 года, если верить последним слухам. Шестую версию давным-давно уже ждут фотографы, в то время как слухи о новом функционале все шире расходятся по интернету. »

2017-02-24 03:16


Adobe Lightroom CC теперь имеет смарт-превью

Adobe объявила о выпуске следующей версии Lightroom. Среди различных функций и исправлений появилось смарт-превью, которое даст вашей программе мгновенное повышение скорости, когда вы работаете с фотографиями с высоким разрешением. »

2016-09-23 00:36


Анонс Adobe Lightroom CC 2015.7 и Adobe Lightroom 6.7 – Lightroom теперь поддерживает RAW с iPhone 7/7 Plus и Canon 5D Mark IV

Фоторедактор Adobe Lightroom получил обновление, в котором добавили поддержку новых камер и объективов, а также исправили некоторые ошибки предыдущей версии. Теперь можно обрабатывать RAW-файлы с iPhone 7/7 Plus, Canon 5D Mark IV и еще нескольких недавно представленных камер (полный список ниже). »

2016-09-21 14:59