Generative AI is arriving full force in Lightroom and Photoshop

Adobe announced the latest updates to Photoshop, Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw during its Max conference keynote. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the products are getting a heaping helping of generative AI features, though there are other non-Ai improvements as well.


Lightroom Changes

Photoshop Changes

ACR Changes


The Quick Actions are meant to help quicky spice up a picture.

Image: Adobe

The big new feature coming to Lightroom is called Quick Actions, which Adobe says will speed up "fine tune editing. " Essentially, Lightroom will give you some suggested edits, and automatically create masks around subjects. Then, you can apply the edits and retouching, and adjust the strength of the effects. The company says the feature will launch in early access in Lightroom Mobile and Lightroom for the web.

The company also says the Generative Remove feature it announced in May is out of early access and is now generally available to Lightroom users in Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, and Lightroom mobile. The feature lets you select an object in a photograph, which the software will then try to erase, filling in the gaps with imagery generated using Adobe's Firefly AI. The company says it has also improved Generative Remove's selection tool, letting you circle the things you want to erase.

Now, everyone can erase unwanted elements in images without jumping into Photoshop.

Image: Adobe

In an FAQ, Adobe says, "Content Credentials will be automatically attached to photos edited with the feature in Lightroom," which should help people determine if an image was altered with AI as long as the platform they're viewing it supports that metadata – though at the moment, very few do.

Adobe has also continued to make performance improvements to Lightroom Classic, improving the image navigation experience in the Develop module and making the tethered capture experience for Nikon cameras substantially faster.

It's also been working on improving and expanding the HDR editing experience. The company says you can now see HDR content in more views throughout Lightroom and that it now supports embedded ISO HDR Gain Maps. That means you should be able to export one file that will render correctly on SDR and HDR displays rather than having to export separate SDR and HDR files.

Lightroom is getting big improvments if you shoot HDR images on your phone

Lightroom also now supports HDR images from Google's Pixel 9 phones and will let you edit HDR video if you have an Apple silicon Mac or are using Lightroom mobile on iOS.

Adobe is also expanding the availability of its AI Denoise tool, which is available in Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw. It'll now work on HDR and panorama DNGs, as well as Apple, Google, and Samsung's flavors of Raw.

Finally, there are the classic quality-of-life improvements. Lightroom Mobile is getting a performance boost on Android, and there are new options for managing how much disk space Lightroom Classic will take up for its preview cache. Additionally, Lightroom Classic will no longer require you to change the name of your catalog when you upgrade it using a newer version of Lightroom.

Frame. io

The company also says the Frame. io changes it announced earlier this year are now generally available. That includes custom metadata features and integration into Lightroom that supports loading images via Camera To Cloud. In theory, that means you could shoot pictures on your camera and have them show up in Lightroom via Frame. io, as long as your camera supports the feature. Currently, the list of stills cameras with Frame. io integration includes the Lumix S5II/X, GH7, and Fujifilm's latest-gen cameras, including the recently announced X-M5.

On that note, Adobe also says that Nikon, Canon, and Leica will join in on supporting Camera To Cloud. The Canon C400 and C80, and the Leica SL3 will be getting updates to natively support the feature, and the Nikon Z6III, Z8, and Z9 will be able to offload to Frame. io via Nikon's NX MobileAir app. The updates enabling Frame. io integration will be coming at various points throughout next year.


Like with Lightroom, Adobe is making many of Photoshop's early-access generative AI features generally available. That includes tools like Generative Fill, Generative Expand, Generate Similar, Generate Background, and Generate Image, all of which use the company's Firefly 3 AI model to do more or less what the names imply. Generative Fill lets you drop AI-generated images in to whatever you're editing.

In addition, it's adding a Generative Workspace tool, which lets you generate images and will keep a record of them in one place.

Speaking of Firefly, the company says there's a new 'fast mode' available for it that will let you generate images up to four times faster, if you're just trying to get a very quick draft that you'll refine later.

Image: Adobe

Adobe is also introducing an automatic distraction removal tool, which uses AI to find distracting elements in an image and remove them.

The company says that, if you want, you are able to turn off generative AI in the remove tool. By default, it will choose "from many technologies to deliver the best result," but there's a setting that lets you set generative AI on or off – you can also leave it on Auto, where it'll use whichever methods it thinks are most suited to whatever you're trying to remove.

There are some non-AI improvements to Photoshop, too. The company says it's expanding the number of tools that work with 32-bit HDR images in Photoshop, meaning you can use things like the dodge/burn tool, Magic Wand, magnetic lasso, Spot Healing Brush Tool, Remove Tool, and more without converting your image down to 16- or 8-bit.

Adobe Camera Raw

Adobe is adding a Firefly-powered Generative Expand mode to ACR, which will use AI to fill in past the borders of your image. The mode will be available as a technical preview.

The company is also announcing a beta for something called Adobe Adaptive Profile, which it says will use AI to make editing images with high dynamic range easier. You apply it like you do the standard 'Adobe Color' or 'Adobe Landscape' profiles, but instead of making the same adjustments for each image, an AI model will automatically adjust Exposure, Shadows, Highlights, Color Mixer, Curves, etc. The sliders will still be at their default values, but the changes the profile makes are meant to act as a base upon which you'll add your own edits.

The photo on the left uses the Adobe Color profile, while the one on the right uses the Adobe Adaptive one.

Image: Adobe

Adobe says it created the profile based on 'thousands of hand-edited photos of people, pets, food, architecture, museum exhibits, cars, ships, airplanes, landscapes, and many other subjects. ' It has a blog post that goes into a deep-dive on what exactly it changes and how the company put the profile together. Generally, it's meant to make subjects pop from the background, making them subtly lighter and more colorful. Adobe says it'll automatically generate HDR and SDR looks for an image.

Adobe says the mode will currently only work on Raw images, though it hopes to expand support for other file types in the future.

We're on the ground at Adobe's conference this week, so keep an eye out for some demos of these features. Be sure to let us know if you have any questions so we can keep them in mind during our tests.


adobe lightroom will says

2024-10-14 16:00

adobe lightroom → Результатов: 126 / adobe lightroom - фото


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Adobe Lightroom и Photoshop запрещены в Венесуэле

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Adobe Lightroom предлагает экспорт фото из облака

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2017-02-24 03:16


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2016-09-23 00:36


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