Enter your photos now in the December Editors' Challenge: 'Happy Holidays'

Enter your photos now in the December Editors' Challenge: 'Happy Holidays'
ÔÎÒÎ: dpreview.com

Canon EOS 20D and 17-40mm F4 L lens | ISO 100 | 3. 2 sec | F4 Photo: Dale Baskin The December edition of the Editors' Photo Challenge is open for submissions! Our theme this month is 'Happy Holidays'.

Whatever holiday tradition inspires you – Christmas, Hanukkah, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, Festivus, or something else – show us what the holiday season looks like through your lens. Whether it’s colorful lights, dazzling decorations, festive gatherings, or just a cozy moment, we want to see your best holiday season photos.

This challenge is open to photos taken at any time. Photos must be submitted by Saturday, December 7 (GMT).

Visit the challenge page to read the full rules and to submit your photos for consideration.

Enter your photos here

Also, don't forget to check out some of the other open and upcoming photo challenges hosted by members of the DPReview community. Or, see some of the great photos from recently completed photo challenges.

Open challenges:

The Triumph (closes Dec. 4)

Close-up/Macro - Bugs (2024 Shots Only) (closes Dec. 5))

Upcoming challenges:

A Big Year 2024 (opens Dec. 2)


photos your photo open challenges challenge

2024-12-1 17:00

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Ôîòî: dpreview.com

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