Film Photography is a Form of Creative Rebellion and I Love It

When I first started joining film photography communities some 10 years ago, I honestly did not expect that it would grow this much. Most of the world seemed to have moved on from film stocks, and the cameras were no more than vintage keepsakes of photography history.

I would get strange looks whenever people figured out I was shooting with a film camera. We were seen as a bunch of misfits -- or hipsters, as the wretched label came to be.  But, the deeper I got into it, the clearly I saw what shooting film meant for those who did: it's a form of creative rebellion in a world that puts a premium on perfection. .

film photography

2019-12-10 08:00

film photography → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 44 / film photography - ôîòî


Where to Buy Film in 2022

The delayed gratification of film photography pays dividends. While computers speed up the process incredibly, digital photography remains mere data until printed. Film photography rewards photographers with the tingle of suspense, a purely mechanical workflow, and tangible results on physical film. »

2022-08-03 20:52

Film Photography Project Introduces New Line of Hand-Rolled Films

In a fitting gesture of love for film photography, the Film Photography Project has launched a new line of hand-rolled 35mm black and white films on -- yep, you guessed it -- February 14. Learning that there are more rare emulsions for us to try is just the stuff that film lovers and ardent monochrome fans needed on this occasion. »

2018-02-16 11:00