Wedding Photographer Falls Into Pool at Grand Indian Wedding

A luxury wedding photographer recently made quite a splash at a grand Indian wedding celebration, but not quite the type of splash one hopes to make when heading out to capture someone’s big day.

The Northern California-based wedding photography and cinematography business Aperina Studios was capturing the lavish wedding in July when a team photographer […].

wedding photographer

2021-8-11 19:01

wedding photographer → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 58 / wedding photographer - ôîòî


Texas report details the harsh realities, risks of being a wedding photographer during the COVID-19 pandemic

A recent report of out South Texas reveals the harsh reality of being a wedding photographer in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. In an article titled ‘Texas Wedding Photographers Have Seen Some $#!+’ shared by Texas Monthly, reporter Emily McCullar tells the story of a wedding photographer who was diagnosed with COVID-19 after it was revealed the groom of the party had tested positive for COVID-19 and didn’t inform the wedding photographer. »

2020-12-17 18:51


Wedding Photographer Pushes Stepmom Aside to Get the Shot

Wedding photographers often complain of ‘Uncle Bobs,’ or relatives who get in the way of professional photographers while trying to snap their own photos. When photographer Ashley Easterling encountered this during a wedding ceremony recently, she refused to allow the relative to ruin the bride and groom’s first kiss photo. The 46-second video shows Josh […] »

2018-10-03 20:49