В Сеть утекла цена Lego-набора по Nintendo Game Boy
Согласно утечке из •Instagram-аккаунта Falconbricks Studios, предстоящий набор Lego в стиле Nintendo Game Boy будет выпущен 1 октября 2025 года и будет стоить 59,99 доллара. В ferra.ru »
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Согласно утечке из •Instagram-аккаунта Falconbricks Studios, предстоящий набор Lego в стиле Nintendo Game Boy будет выпущен 1 октября 2025 года и будет стоить 59,99 доллара. В ferra.ru »
A seven-year-old boy was left seriously injured after drones fell out of the sky during an aerial Christmas show this weekend. [Read More] petapixel.com »
A seven-year-old boy was left seriously injured after drones fell out of the sky during an aerial Christmas show this weekend. [Read More] petapixel.com »
A 17-year-old boy was shot in the face as he scoped out a location for his high school homecoming photos and tried to ask permission to do the shoot on the private property. [Read More] petapixel.com »
Итальянские программисты совершили подвиг: долгожданный фэнтезийный хак-н-слэшер "Kien" дебютировал на Game Boy Advance после 22-летнего ожидания. Изначально разработанная в 2002 году компанией AgeOfGames, "Kien" столкнулась с трудностями, когда ее первоначальный издатель отложил ее из-за финансовых проблем. ferra.ru »
Of all the low-resolution digital cameras from the 1990s, none has had the lasting cultural impact of the monochromatic, 0.014-megapixel Nintendo Game Boy Camera. Romanian video game technology company, Epilogue, has turned the Game Boy Camera into a webcam, offering nostalgia-infused fun for teleconferences. [Read More] petapixel.com »
Забудьте о камерах телефонов и встроенных веб-камерах ноутбуков, и вспомните о камере Game Boy. Благодаря Epilogue, команде, создавшей GB Operator, позволяющий играть на оригинальных картриджах Game Boy на современных ПК или Steam Deck, вы можете превратить винтажный игровой аксессуар в веб-камеру. ferra.ru »
Конечно, MagSafe — не самый эффективный способ зарядки iPhone, а необходимость в специальных чехлах может доставить немало хлопот. Но кому нужна максимальная эффективность, когда можно предаться ностальгии? Именно для этого создан Elago MagSafe MS W5. ferra.ru »
Musician, director, and video-game enthusiast Chris Graue of the 8-bit ska punk band Lo(u)ser filmed an amazing music video in late 2021 using a Nintendo Game Boy Camera. petapixel.com »
A photograph of a six-year-old boy pointing a gun at the camera has sparked an argument between the photographer's agency Reuters and the family of the child. [Read More] petapixel.com »
An image from a drone helped emergency services locate and save a teenager with special needs in Cherokee County woods in Cherokee County, North Carolina on Monday. [Read More] petapixel.com »
A 3D-printable adapter allows fans of the Game Boy Camera to use small CS-mount interchangeable lenses with it, which also opens the door to adapting much larger optics to the camera first made available in 1998. [Read More] petapixel.com »
Game Boy and camera enthusiast, Christopher Graves, fused his two passions to create the Game Boy Camera M, a mirrorless Game Boy camera with a sleek design. [Read More] petapixel.com »
Released in 1998, the Nintendo Game Boy Camera was many people's first foray into digital photography. While it couldn't offer the resolving power of contemporaneous cameras like the Nikon Coolpix 900 and the Canon PowerShot Pro70, both of which offered optical zoom and roughly 1MP resolution, the 0. dpreview.com »
Photographer Gordon Laing from Camera Labs and Dino Bytes has released a special episode dedicated to one of the strangest digital cameras released in the 90s - The Nintendo Game Boy Camera. [Read More] petapixel.com »
My name is David Windestal, and in this video and article, I will share how you can hack and modify a Game Boy Camera to mount serious camera lenses in order to shoot amazing lo-fi photos. [Read More] petapixel.com »
An eight-year-old boy who was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia had his wish come true when he was invited to a wildlife sanctuary to become a National Geographic photographer for a day. [Read More] petapixel.com »
The Analogue Pocket has finally arrived after numerous delays. And a new announcement confirms the device will be fully compatible with Nintendo's Game Boy Camera, released back in 1998. For those unfamiliar with the Analogue Pocket, it's a handheld device that looks like a modern Game Boy. dpreview.com »
Retro Game Couch made this 3-minute video showing how you can convert an old Game Boy Camera into a “modern” webcam. It may not have the best resolution — it’s 8-bit, after all — but it will certainly guarantee you a lot of attention in your next Zoom meeting. Why would you want to do […] petapixel.com »
An engineer has figured out a way to bring the Game Boy Camera into the twenty-first century with a DIY wireless adapter that allows him to easily transfer all the images taken with the aged handheld gaming console camera to his smartphone. petapixel.com »
Энтузиаст смог заставить старую приставку Game Boy добывать биткойн. Эта консоль вышла ещё в 1989 году. ferra.ru »
YouTube-блогер записал 2,5-часовой фильм Кристофера Нолана «Довод» на картридж для портативной игровой консоли Game Boy Advance SP 2003 года выпуска. ferra.ru »
Hardware modder, retro gaming enthusiast and Everyday Carry co-founder Bernard Capulong has come to the rescue of an anonymous Redditor who recently expressed their desire for pettiness on the social media platform. dpreview.com »
A couple of days ago a user on r/Gameboy asked the community if there was any way to turn his Game Boy Camera into a functioning webcam so that (in his words) “I can be an a** to people I don’t respect. petapixel.com »
The Game Boy Camera was never meant to be a serious piece of photographic equipment, so what happens when you pair the Nintendo Game Boy peripheral with a serious piece of glass to take some portraits? Just ask Sam McKenzie, of YouTube channel 3D Printor, who took it upon himself to adapt a Tamron 70–200mm zoom lens to the 0. dpreview.com »
Sam McKenzie from the YouTube channel 3D Printor recently embarked on a fun project. Using a 3D printed adapter he found on Thingiverse, he modded a classic Game Boy Camera, shot portraits using a 70-200mm lens (approximately 3000mm equivalent), and printed one of those portraits on canvas. petapixel.com »
A shocking video has surfaced online that shows just how far some parents will go to get a “unique” photo of their kid. The clip, originally posted to Chinese social media site Weibo, reportedly shows a man dangling his young son off a cliff as a relative takes photos. The incident allegedly took place yesterday […] petapixel.com »
This magic 9-year-old boy made beautiful shapes on one of the surf beaches of Karmøy, Norway. With beach sand and a simple jam jar, magical shapes appeared and I managed to grab my smartphone and snap pictures of the fantastic display. boredpanda.com »
An adorable video is making the rounds today, showing a little boy who is absolutely thrilled by the sound of his dad’s DSLR. Each time he presses the shutter button he giggles uncontrollably, and it’s hard not to smile alongside him. petapixel.com »
The 12-year-old's hobby and his keen interest in car models led him to launch a Kickstarter where he's already surpassed the initial goal of $20,000 as the campaign currently has collected $43,467. boredpanda.com »
The 12-year-old's hobby and his keen interest in car models led him to launch a Kickstarter where he's already surpassed the initial goal of $20,000 as the campaign currently has collected $43,467. boredpanda.com »
Anthony Schmidt is a 12-year-old boy on the autism spectrum who is making a name for himself with his iPhone photography. His passion is photographing model cars so that they look life-sized, and he has raised over $42,000 on Kickstarter to have his work published as a coffee table photo book. “From an early age, […] petapixel.com »
Канал Odd Tinkering опубликовал видео, на котором блогер реставрирует Nintendo Game Boy 1989 года выпуска. Парень потратил на это почти 20 часов, но результат того стоил. Читать первоисточник... photorealm.ru »
Канал Odd Tinkering опубликовал видео, на котором блогер реставрирует Nintendo Game Boy 1989 года выпуска. Парень потратил на это почти 20 часов, но результат того стоил. ferra.ru »
Один из первых способов создания цветных фотографий было комбинирование черно-белых фотографий, сделанных с использованием трёх различных светофильтров: красного, зелёного и синего. Мэтт Грэй решил использовать эту технику, чтобы делать цветные фотокарточки, используя свою игровую приставку Game Boy. prophotos.ru »
Американский фотограф Мэтт Грэй решил совместить несовместимое камеру Game Boy и цветную фотографию, и у него это получилось. onfoto.ru »
One of the earliest ways of creating color photos was by combining black-and-white photos shot using red, green, and blue filters. Matt Gray recently decided to use this technique to shoot color photos using his Game Boy Camera. petapixel.com »
Why? The better question: Why not? There's an unlikely vintage camera enjoying something of a resurgence these days: 1998's 0. 5MP Game Boy Camera. Attached to a game cartridge, Game Boy Camera brought digital photography to the youth 2 bits at a time. dpreview.com »
We’ve seen the Game Boy Camera used with a telescope and with smartphone lenses, but photographer Bastiaan Ekeler did something even more unusual: he designed and built a Canon EF lens mount for his. petapixel.com »
The clothing giant H&M sparked controversy this week after people noticed a photo in its online store that showed a black child model wearing a hoodie sweatshirt with the words: “coolest monkey in the jungle. petapixel.com »
Необычные астрофотографии, снятые на “древнюю” камеру и древний телескоп, от научного сотрудника Лейденского университета. Астрофотограф Александр Петров недавно сделал серию очень необычных снимков: вероятно, это первый человек, который сфотографировал Луну и Юпитер на камеру Nintendo Game Boy. fototips.ru »
Alexander Pietrow connected his 2-bit Game Boy Camera to an antique telescope to photograph the Moon and Jupiter. The craziest part? I kind of worked. If your goal is to capture photos of the Moon and Jupiter, your go-to camera probably wouldn't be Nintendo's 2-bit, 128 from 1998. dpreview.com »
Astrophotographer Alexander Pietrow recently made some unusual photo history: he is apparently the first person ever to photograph the Moon and Jupiter using a Game Boy Camera. First released in 1998, the Game Boy Camera is a monochrome, 2-bit camera that packs a 128×112-pixel CMOS sensor. At the time of its introduction, it was the […] petapixel.com »
Inspired by a list that I saw some time ago made by “gadget experts” (whatever those are) who chose the Leica M3 as the top gadget of all time and the original Game Boy as one of the top five, I decided to compare them. petapixel.com »
Syrian photographer and activist Abd Alkader Habak is being praised today, not for a photo he took, but for one he decided not to take. After being blown over by a massive explosion that took out a convoy of busses filled with evacuees, he stopped shooting and attempted to help the young victims instead. Warning: […] petapixel.com »
We've seen a lot of research lately that uses neural networks to upsample low resolution images and the results have been impressive – even a little creepy. Google recently showcased a system that can turn a low resolution 8x8 input image into a 32x32 sample that's remarkably close to the original image. dpreview.com »
Some of us were thrilled to be reunited with the Game Boy Camera of our childhood. Others? Less thrilled. Watch as DPR staff revisit the Game Boy Camera – or in some cases, pick it up for the very first time. dpreview.com »
Throwback Thursday: Game Boy Camera It's probably no surprise that you won't find a review or a score for the Game Boy Camera in DPReview's archives. Even by 1998 standards, the Game Boy Camera was a bit underwhelming in terms of technology. dpreview.com »