EyeEm Purchased by Freepik, Photographers Finally Get Paid
German stock photography company EyeEm has been purchased by Freepik, a platform that provides images and other media.
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petapixel.com »Eyeem - Последние новости [ Фото в новостях ] | |
German stock photography company EyeEm has been purchased by Freepik, a platform that provides images and other media.
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petapixel.com »German technology and stock photography company EyeEm has reportedly filed for bankruptcy and is insolvent.
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petapixel.com »Photographers are facing a growing problem over unpaid royalties with stock agency EyeEm allegedly in some difficulty.
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petapixel.com »Photography has been around for nearly 200 years now and humanity’s fascination for taking pictures has only been growing over the past couple of centuries. Nowadays, it is one of the primary ways of how we explore and experience the world. boredpanda.com »
Turns out the 500px data breach we reported on last week wasn't an isolated incident. According to The Register the data breach affected not only 500px but a total of 16 websites, including mobile image sharing platform EyeEm, Animoto, Artsy and Fotolog. dpreview.com »
We're still pretty much fresh into 2019 but there's already a major reason to stay vigilant over your online accounts. Some 620 million accounts from 16 websites have been compromised in a recent data breach, according to a report by The Register. thephoblographer.com »
Software company Skylum and mobile image sharing community EyeEm have teamed up and launched a global photography scholarship that is open to anyone interested in photography. Skylum Software will be supporting 10 artists on the EyeEm platform with $10,000 to help them focus on their photography. dpreview.com »
$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_9500155877","galleryId":"9500155877","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"standalone":false,"selectedImageIndex":0,"startInCommentsView":false,"isMobile":false}) }); If you license images of people, you know how much of a pain it can be to gather the appropriate model releases. dpreview.com »
Несколько дней назад были названы победители конкурса EyeEm Awards 2017. В этом году участие приняли 88 000 фотографов, они прислали более 590 000 фотографий. Главный победитель EyeEm Awards 2017 выиграл поездку на фестиваль в Берлин, где будут выставлены его работы. kaddr.com »
В этом году конкурс привлёк свыше 590 000 работ, присланных более 88 000 фотографов. Главным победителем стала 19-летняя Саша Дудкина из Москвы.
cameralabs.org »Photo © Sasha Dudkina, EyeEm 2017 Photographer of the Year A month and a half after revealing the finalists of the 2017 EyeEm Awards, the photo sharing community and licensing marketplace has finally revealed the winners. dpreview.com »
EyeEm has revealed the finalists for its fourth annual photography contest, the largest competition of its kind. Chosen from more than 590,000 submissions, these photos are contending for the top spot in one of five different categories: 'The Street Photographer,' 'The Great Outdoors,' 'The Portraitist,' 'The Architect,' and 'The Photojournalist. dpreview.com »
В этом году на конкурс The EyeEm Photography Awards поступило более 590000 снимков от 88000 фотографов со всего мира. Это крупнейший в мире фотоконкурс. prophotos.ru »
EyeEm Photography Awards объявила 100 финалистов конкурса 2017 года. В этом году было просмотрено более 590000 снимков от 88000 фотографов со всего мира. Это в 3 раза больше, чем в Sony World Photography Awards, что делает EyeEm Photography Awards крупнейшим в мире фотоконкурсом. photar.ru »
Today creative community EyeEm announced the top 100 images from its annual photography competition, which received over 590,000 submissions from more than 88,000 photographers in over 150 countries. boredpanda.com »
EyeEm выпустила новую функцию для своего мобильного приложения, которая называется EyeEm Selects. Она подскажет вам, какие фотографии являются лучшими из вашей библиотеки. EyeEm – это сайт, где более 20 миллионов пользователей представляют свои фотографии и продают их на мировом рынке. photar.ru »
EyeEm has released a new feature to its app, called EyeEm Selects, that will tell you which photos are the best from your library. EyeEm is a stock website where over 20 million users submit images, selling them on their global marketplace to brands all over the world. petapixel.com »
EyeEm has rolled out an update to its mobile app for Android that brings the new EyeEm Selects feature. EyeEm Selects helps you find the best photos on your phone's storage by scanning your camera roll and then using computer vision to suggest photos to upload. dpreview.com »
Эти 25 снимков компьютерная программа посчитала лучшими среди миллионов кадров.
cameralabs.org »What’s your computer’s favorite photo? It seems like a ridiculous question, but EyeEm recently asked their AI something similar. Since no single human could possibly go through the millions of images uploaded to their service last year, EyeEm let their special EyeEm Vision AI pick the Top Photos of 2016. “EyeEm Vision imitates the curation […] petapixel.com »
С прошлого года фотообменник EyeEm дает пользователям возможность выставлять снимки на продажу через EyeEm Market, а также через своего партнера, Getty Images. Это – подборка 30 самых продаваемых снимков 2016 года, в произвольном порядке, с именами фотографов, названиями камер и мест, где проводилась съемка. fototips.ru »
Начиная с 2015 года глобальная служба обмена фотографиями EyeEm предложила фотографам возможность продавать свои снимки. EyeEm работает в партнерстве с Getty Images. Конец года приближается и уже составлен список наиболее продаваемых снимков. photar.ru »
Since 2015, the global photo sharing service EyeEm has allowed photographers in its community to offer their photos for sale through EyeEm Market and its partnership with Getty Images. Of all the photos that sold this year, here’s a look at the most purchased. petapixel.com »
Adobe announced this morning a new partnership with EyeEm, the global photography community, and marketplace, which will bring a selection of EyeEm images into Adobe Stock's Premium Collection for licensing. thephoblographer.com »
Глобальное фотосообщество EyeEm подвело итоги одного их крупнейших в мире фотоконкурсов – EyeEm Festival & Awards. Победителей выбирали из 200 000 снимков, представленных в различных категориях, в том числе «мода», «еда», «портрет» и «фотожурналистика». cameralabs.org »