Результатов: 165

AAP Magazine #38 Women: лучшие фотографии женщин

Журнал AAP Magazine подвёл итоги своего очередного тематического конкурса – #38 Women, посвященного женщинам в мире фотографии. Это попытка AAP по «современному осмыслению и исследованию многогранной роли женщин и как фотографов, и как объектов съемки». photowebexpo.ru »

2024-4-7 10:30

Ershad Fatahian Metaphorically Shows Women’s Struggles in a New Series

"There are countries that are still dominated by traditional and fanatical patriarchal views," states Ershad Fatahian about what inspired him to make his series of images titled Unseen. Photographed entirely in his home country of Iran, he hopes to bring about an awareness of the struggles women face with this set of photos. thephoblographer.com »

2022-1-2 08:00

Colorful Portraits Of Women Have Won Cristina Venedict Many Awards

"When you want something from the bottom of your heart, the Universe will show you a way," says Romanian photographer Cristina Venedict about her path to photography. She loves using primary complementary colours in her portrait work, which allows her soul to speak to the viewer using styles learned from art school. thephoblographer.com »

2021-12-11 02:00