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18 Photos That Show What Happens When You Go Surfing During A Polar Vortex

"As the photographer, the most challenging part was being able to see through my viewfinder. The cold windchill caused my eyes to water a lot and it would freeze in my eyelashes. The cold air temperature meant I couldn't exhale with my face raised to my camera because it would cause a layer of water vapor from my breath to freeze over my viewfinder and sometimes my lens." »

2019-02-05 17:19


Alone Together: Photos That Show the Loneliness of Cities During Blue Hour

Alone Together is a photo project by Aristotle Roufanis that looks at the “loneliness of cities during the blue hour.” Roufanis is based in London, and this ongoing photographic project shows small, individual apartment lights as the only thing visible in a large metropolitan city at dusk. It’s easy to feel lonely in a big city. […] »

2017-09-16 18:36