Northeast Greenland National Park: Photographing Earth’s Last Untouched Frontier
Greenland has been making headlines lately, but beyond the news stories, another side of the island has nothing to do with politics. [Read More] »
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Greenland has been making headlines lately, but beyond the news stories, another side of the island has nothing to do with politics. [Read More] »
The National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) issued a statement condemning the White House for the indefinite ban it issued to Associated Press (AP) journalists last week. [Read More] »
When one talks about exploring unchartered terrains around the world, the first name that comes to mind is National Geographic. The organization and its subsidiary magazine have visited far-flung places and countries people can't really pronounce, and they have brought visual narratives that many of us can only imagine in our dreams. »
Two photographers have sued the National Park Service (NPS) claiming that its photography permit requirements violate First Amendment rights. [Read More] »
A Chinese national has been arrested for flying a drone over and taking photos of a U.S. Space Force base on the same day as the launch of a SpaceX rocket carrying a spy satellite for the federal government. [Read More] »
A pack of gray wolves was spotted on a camera trap in California’s Lassen Volcanic National Park for the first time in almost 100 years. [Read More] »
The Canadian government ordered the shutdown of TikTok's business in the country, citing national security risks.
[Read More] »A major search is underway for an Australian photographer who has been missing for more than one week in a national park where she often captures the wild horses living there. [Read More] »
Earlier this week, the Canadian women's soccer team was caught spying on its New Zealand opponent's practice with a drone which saw two staffers immediately sent home. »
I have been covering the American Political Convention since 2004 and it’s hard for me to believe that it has been 20 years since I photographed my first RNC in New York City. [Read More] »
The National Portrait Gallery, part of the Smithsonian Institution, has purchased a daguerreotype of Dolley Madison for $456,000 -- the early known photograph of a First Lady. [Read More] »
June 29 is National Camera Day. To mark the occasion, PetaPixel chatted with KEH's CEO Noah Treshnell, and the company's Head of Photography, Ken Hamlett. [Read More] »
Многоцелевые атомные подводные лодки (АПЛ) типа «Вирджиния» Block V, по мнению экспертов, станут лучшими подводными кораблями в истории ВМС США. Особенности этих субмарин перечислены в публикации The National Interest (NI), на которые ссылается Лента.ру. »
Last spring, a group of United States congresspeople introduced the "Countering CCP Drones Act," which argued DJI drones posed "an unacceptable national security risk. »
National Geographic has just released a very cool trailer for a new show entitled Photographer.
[Read More] »A photographer who has visited 27 of the 63 national parks -- plus an additional eight official units of the National Park System -- has shared her magnificent photos. [Read More] »
Standing on top of the desolate mountain, 4000 meters (13,000 feet) up on the Tibetan Plateau, our bodies were freezing and our batteries were dying but we needed to get the final shot for the documentary. »
Стало известно о взломе данных годичной давности в компании National Amusements, владельце сети кинотеатров и медиагигантов Paramount и CBS, что вызвало опасения по поводу безопасности личной информации десятков тысяч людей. »
A competition aiming to promote astrophotography in India has borne out some incredible images.
[Read More] »A trail camera captured the bizarre sight of a strange-looking animal which, at first glance, is not obvious what species the creature belongs to. [Read More] »
The National Portrait Gallery in Australia has announced the winners of its annual National Photographic Portrait Prize competition. Photographer Shea Kirk has taken home the top prize, including a $30,000 cash prize and $20,000 worth of Canon equipment, courtesy of Canon Australia. [Read More] »
The second season of "America's National Parks" premiered last night on National Geographic TV, kicking off a fresh series of episodes focused on the beautiful and diverse national parks located throughout the United States. [Read More] »
America’s national parks are a true source of pride. Each is unique in what it offers and this is certainly true of one of the more off-the-beaten-track parks. [Read More] »
Last December, National Geographic shared its 2022 Pictures of the Year and as part of that, announced its first photo contest in years. All the photos are in, and the esteemed publication has selected the winners. [Read More] »
Айя Окава (Aya Okawa) — отмеченная наградами аэро- и эко-фотограф и визуальный антрополог, которая любит снимать преображение ландшафта, абстрактные узоры и документировать взаимодействие естественных и людских систем. »
Журнал National Geographic опубликовал лучшие фотографии 2022 года. Эти подборки, ставшие заголовком декабрьского номера журнала, являются результатом анализа более двух миллионов фотографий, сделанных в полевых условиях в этом году. »
Команда National Geographic в очередной раз выбрала компактные камеры (имеется ввиду компактность размеров), которые они готовы порекомендовать для путешествий. © PhotoWebExpo, 2022, »
The British Institute of Professional Photography (BIPP) has announced the winners of its 2022 Photography Print Competition. These annual awards highlight 15 categories including the organization's Photographer of the Year title. [Read More] »
Eastman Kodak has received the National Historic Chemical Landmark designation by the American Chemical Society (ACS). This award recognizes companies for significant contributions to chemistry and science, and positive impact of the company's products on the lives of consumers. [Read More] »
An aerial video taken above Yellowstone National Park shows the devastation flooding has caused, as roads are being swept away and tourists are being left stranded. [Read More] »
Rainbows are a favorite subject for landscape photographers, but the lesser-known phenomena known as "moonbows" -- rainbows created by moonlight -- are not as easy to find. »
Mister Global's 2021 pageant participants have blessed our eyes with 33 national costumes, and we definitely can't get enough of it. The post Mister Global 2021 Contestants Dress In Their National Costumes And Look Like Video Game Bosses (30 Pics) first appeared on Bored Panda. »
Mister Global's 2021 pageant participants have blessed our eyes with 33 national costumes, and we definitely can't get enough of it. The post 33 Men From 33 Different Countries Dressed In Their National Costumes For The Mister Global 2021 Pageant first appeared on Bored Panda. »
Yellowstone National Park was established as the United States' first national park in 1872. To celebrate its 150th year, National Geographic has published a series of photos captured over that time of what is often called America's Wonderland. [Read More] »
Annice Lyn is a professional photojournalist who was once a figure skater at the national level. She was the first and only Malaysian female photographer whose work was accredited for the XXIII Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang, 2018. [Read More] »
Всемирная организация фотографии и компания Sony Electronics в России и странах СНГ объявила имя победителя Национального конкурса Russia National Award 2022. »
Когда один из вулканов в сентябре текущего года на Ла-Пальме, Канарских островах начал извергаться, фотограф Артуро Родригес смотрел новостную ленту у себя дома буквально на соседнем острове Тенерифе. »
Камеры Fujifilm снова заняли три первых места в списке лучших компактных камер для путешествий популярного издания National Geographic. На этот раз National Geographic выбрал X-S10, X-T4 и X100V. Большинство фотографов, выполняющих заказы для National Geographic, используют полнокадровые цифровые камеры и светосильные зум-объективы, чтобы быть готовыми к любому повороту событий в полевых условиях. Но у такого […] »
Камеры Fujifilm снова заняли три первых места в списке лучших компактных камер для путешествий популярного издания National Geographic. На этот раз National Geographic выбрал X-S10, X-T4 и X100V. »
Faced with overcrowding, some National Parks in the United States have begun to roll out what are called “selfie stations” that are designed to redistribute visitors and promote less-well-known areas. »
This relaxing visual journey takes viewers through the United States’ most beautiful cities and national parks, captured in a large-scale, 36-minute timelapse film. Specializing in motion timelapse and hyperlapse photography, Emeric Le Bars — originally from France and now based in Los Angeles, California — has shot over 500 clips of his current home city […] »
Summer is just around the corner in the United States, and national parks are getting ready for an influx of visitors. As a helpful PSA, the National Park Service just released this humorous “Wildlife Petting Chart” showing where tourists and photographers can safely pet large wild animals. In short: nowhere. If you want a free […] »
Производитель смартфонов Oppo и фотограф National Geographic Джоэл Сарторе (Joel Sartore) объединились, чтобы создать серию фотографий и видео различных животных, находящихся в под угрозой исчезновения навсегда. »
Редакция журнала «National Geographic Россия» после вынужденного перерыва в прошлом году объявила о возобновлении своего главного фотоконкурса «Дикая природа России 2021». © PhotoWebExpo, 2021, https://photowebexpo. »
Журнал National Geographic Traveler и сервис Gett запустили новый фотоконкурс #ПутешествуйсGett! Фотосоревнование проводится в официальном аккаунте журнала в Инстаграм с 19 апреля по 19 мая. »
Основанная в 2007 году, Всемирная фотоорганизация поставила перед собой цель популяризации фотографии во всём мире. Каждый год Sony награждает фотографов с более чем 50 стран. На данный момент уже было отмечено наградами более, чем 500 фотографов. »
Sony National & Regional awards announces its winners from over 50 countries. The post Sony National & Regional Photography Awards Announces Its Winners And They’re Pretty Impressive first appeared on Bored Panda. »
World Photography Organisation announces the 2021 National Awards winners The National Awards program was created by Sony, along with the World Photography Organisation, to identify and support local photographic communities around the world. »
The National Gallery of Fine Art has apparently lost its association with National Geographic. Based on a multi-week investigation, I have been able to determine that National Geographic recently cut ties with the gallery amid legal complications. »
Стартовал российский этап международного конкурса Vision+, организованного журналом National Geographic. Для того чтобы принять участие необходимо сделать фотографию или снять видеосюжет на смартфон и загрузить свою работу на страницу конкурса до 20 ноября 2020 года. »