Результатов: 33

How Photographers Can Protect Their Photos (and Democracy) from Generative AI

Sight was the first of our senses to be technologically shared in a world we did not witness with our own eyes. Photography—writing with light—has historically meant a one-to-one relationship between what was before a camera (defined as a lens focussing light on a recording media) and what came out the other end, created by a human. [Read More] petapixel.com »

2024-3-12 19:50

Новая система защиты от мошенничества Google Play Protect расширена

Пользователи Android в Сингапуре теперь могут рассчитывать на усиленную защиту от финансового мошенничества благодаря новой пилотной программе Google Play Protect. ferra.ru »

2024-2-8 18:45

Исследование показало, что Google Play защищает только от 31% шпионских приложений

Группа Atlas VPN совместно с независимой лабораторией AV-Test провели исследование, целью которого было выяснить, насколько эффективна система безопасности Google Play Protect, предустановленная на все устройства на Android. photorealm.ru »

2021-7-30 17:55

How to Protect Your Camera and Gear at Fireworks Parties This 4th of July

As photographers, we find ourselves being asked to be the photographer at all sorts of events, even family events like firework parties, and that means we don't get to be quite as immersed as we would like, but if you find yourself being able to skip the party photography in an official capacity, you can go about taking images for fun, and for yourself. thephoblographer.com »

2019-7-5 07:00

How to Protect Your Camera and Gear at Firework Parties This 4th of July

As photographers, we find ourselves being asked to be the photographer at all sorts of events, even family events like firework parties, and that means we don't get to be quite as immersed as we would like, but if you find yourself being able to skip the party photography in an official capacity, you can go about taking images for fun, and for yourself. thephoblographer.com »

2019-7-4 07:00

I Found A Creative Way To Protect My Daughter, Who Has Cleft Lip, And Still Share Pics Of Her Daily Life Online

Hello, my name is Kelley Hudson, I'm a photographer and a mother. Like most parents, I wanted to share my daughter's daily life with our friends and family on the internet. But after she was born with cleft lip and palate, I got worried that maybe my daughter wouldn't want all her baby photos and hospital struggles posted. boredpanda.com »

2018-6-4 15:32