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Instagram Says You Need Permission to Embed Someone’s Public Photos

Instagram just released a bombshell statement about copyright infringement. In response to recent developments in a lawsuit between a pro photographer and Newsweek, the photo sharing site told Ars Technica that it does NOT grant a sub-license to anyone who uses their “embed” feature to share a public photo. The statement is more important than […] petapixel.com »

2020-6-6 19:02

Useful Photography Tip #186: Make a Portrait Subject Smile; Don’t Ask Them To

"Smile" is the thing that your parents and those old school portrait photographers used to say to us. "Show a bit more teeth. " It's just as awkward now as an adult as it is as a child. Indeed, with being both in front of the camera and behind it, I've known that asking someone to smile is the worst thing to do unless there's a very good rapport with the person. thephoblographer.com »

2018-8-1 13:00

Couple Freaks Out After Realizing Someone Follows Them Around The World Just To Copy Their Travel Photos

When we talk about Instagram followers, we don't mean it in the literal sense. Well, not usually anyway. But as Instagram-famous travel photographers Jack Morris and Lauren Bullen have recently discovered, two of their collective 2 million plus followers are quite literally chasing them around the world and recreating their poses wherever they go. boredpanda.com »

2016-11-14 12:45

When Someone Follows You Around the World to Copy Your Photos…

Jack Morris (@doyoutravel) and Lauren Bullen (@gypsea_lust) are both travel photographers and Instagram’s favorite travel power couple! With a collective following of 2 million people, you can imagine they’ve developed quite a great following! Rightfully so, the work on their accounts are beautiful and they travel quite religiously. Just yesterday, Lauren posted something publicly on […] petapixel.com »

2016-11-11 21:29