Результатов: 124

Китайская TPV Technology остановила большой завод по выпуску телевизоров в РФ

Китайская компания TPV Technology приостановила производство на своем заводе по выпуску телевизоров в Ленинградской области России из-за опасений по поводу возможных вторичных санкций со стороны США и ЕС, пишет CNews. ferra.ru »

2024-11-9 15:17

Sony Electronics and The Associated Press Complete Testing of Advanced In-Camera Authenticity Technology to Address Growing Concerns Around Fake Imagery

SAN DIEGO – Nov. 21, 2023 – Today, Sony Electronics announces the completion of a second round of testing for Sony’s in-camera authenticity technology with Associated Press. This in-camera digital signature allows for the creation of a birth certificate for images, validating the origin of the content. canonrumors.com »

2023-11-22 12:04

Hangzhou Xingxi Technology (YoloLiv) присоединяется к Micro Four Thirds

59-й участник вступил в альянс системы Micro Four Thirds, это Hangzhou Xingxi Technology (YoloLiv), китайская компания по производству аппаратного и программного обеспечения для потокового вещания. © PhotoWebExpo, 2023, https://photowebexpo.ru/news/YoloLiv-joins-Micro-Four-Thirds photowebexpo.ru »

2023-11-4 14:19

DXO launches PhotoLab 6 with next-level noise reduction and AI technology

DxO PhotoLab 6, the RAW photo editing software, redefines industry standards for denoising with groundbreaking AI technology — again In addition to its brand-new DeepPRIME Read more... The post DXO launches PhotoLab 6 with next-level noise reduction and AI technology appeared first on Canon Rumors - Your best source for Canon rumors, leaks and gossip. canonrumors.com »

2022-10-5 07:01

Motorola confirms it's releasing a smartphone with a 200MP camera inside

Fear not pixel peepers, the megapixel war is still alive and well. In the smartphone market, that is. Motorola has announced it will be releasing a smartphone with a 200MP sensor inside. In the announcement, Motorola says (machine-translated) ‘A new benchmark for image experience beyond parameters opens the era of 200-megapixel mobile photography. dpreview.com »

2022-5-26 17:41

Canon patent shows off new AI-powered auto-zoom feature

An illustration from the patent application showing how the auto-zoom feature would detect a subject within a frame and adjust the composition accordingly through digital and/or optical zoom. Canon has been granted a patent that highlights the details of a new technology that uses AI to automatically detect a subject within a frame and adjust the zoom of a camera or lens to better frame the subject. dpreview.com »

2022-5-24 17:56

Sony develops 'world's first stacked CMOS image sensor technology with 2-Layer Transistor Pixels'

Sony Smiconductor Solutions Corporation (Sony) has announced it’s developed ‘the world’s first stacked CMOS image sensor technology with 2-Layer Transistor Pixel. ’ This new technology separates the photodiodes from the pixel transistors onto different substrate layers, which nearly doubles the amount of light a single pixel can capture compared to more conventional image sensors. dpreview.com »

2021-12-17 18:49

Nikon is licensing intoPIX's TicoRAW technology for 8K/60p Raw video in its Z9 camera

When Nikon announced its forthcoming Z9 camera, it confirmed it would be able to shoot 8K Raw video at up to 60 frames per second (fps) with a firmware set to be released in 2022. At the time, Nikon didn’t specify how it had achieved this, but we now know it’s being done with the help of TicoRAW, a compression technology from intoPIX that Nikon is licensing for its Nikon Z9 camera system. dpreview.com »

2021-12-8 21:51

Samsung reveals plans to develop 576MP smartphone sensor by 2025

If you thought the megapixel wars were over, you might want to gear up once again. Samsung has revealed plans to release a 576-megapixel smartphone sensor by 2025. At the SEMI Europe Summit, which took place back on September 1, 2021, Samsung’s Senior Vice President and Head of Automotive Sensors, Haechang Lee, presented a slide showing the history of the company’s image sensor technology. dpreview.com »

2021-9-8 18:17

Huawei начала вкладываться в собственное производство процессоров

Дочерняя компания Huawei инвестировала в сферу литографии. Это значит, что компания намерена производить собственные чипы. Вероятно, Huawei делает это, чтобы выжить в условиях санкций США. Инвестициями занимается подразделение китайского гиганта Hubble Technology Investment. photorealm.ru »

2021-6-8 16:43

В Китае посадили главу производителя смартфонов, который заражал устройства пользователей неудаляемым вирусом

В Китае прошел суд, в результате которого посадили местного главу производителя смартфонов. Его компания около года заражала устройства пользователей неудаляемым вирусом. Так, в период с декабря 2018 по октябрь 2019 года компании Beijing Baice Technology и Shenzhen Zhipu Technology успели установить трояны на десятки миллионов смартфонов Gionee, сообщает GSMArena. photorealm.ru »

2020-12-7 06:29

Researchers create 100 billion FPS 3D camera with lens that mimics human eyes

A study recently published in Nature Communications details the creation of an ultra-fast 3D camera capable of recording at 100 billion frames per second. The development comes from Lihong Wang and his team at Caltech, where the researchers developed this new camera using the same foundational technology found in Wang's previous 70 trillion frames per second project. dpreview.com »

2020-10-28 21:35

NVIDIA Research develops a neural network to replace traditional video compression

NVIDIA researchers have demonstrated a new type of video compression technology that replaces the traditional video codec with a neural network to drastically reduce video bandwidth. The technology is presented as a potential solution for streaming video in situations where Internet availability is limited, such as using a webcam to chat with clients while on a slow Internet connection. dpreview.com »

2020-10-7 17:36

Atech Flash Technology анонсировали картридер и док-станцию

Компания Atech Flash Technology, которой принадлежит торговая марка Blackjet, анонсировала новые устройства, которые должны оценить, как фотографы, так и видеографы: картридер Blackjet TX-1CXQ для карт памяти CFexpress Type B и XQD и док-станцию Blackjet TX-4DS с четырьмя отсеками. photar.ru »

2020-5-9 14:44