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Brittany Smith: The Best Gear in Town from a Female Perspective

We're very excited to bring you this week's episode of Inside The Photographer's Mind. On this occasion, we're blessed by the presence of our very own Reviews Writer, Brittany Smith. She joined The Phoblographer six months ago, and since then, she's been contributing top-level quality reviews of the latest gear and accessories in the photo industry. thephoblographer.com »

2021-11-16 20:00

Sony Calling Female Photographers to Apply for 2020 ‘Alpha Female+’ Grant Program

Sony is ready to empower another group of talented female photographers to pursue their creative vision. After successfully launching the ‘Alpha Female’ program in September of 2018, the company is calling for applicants to this year’s ‘Alpha Female+’ grant program, and expanded version that spreads funds out more broadly. In case you missed it, the […] petapixel.com »

2020-8-19 19:17

Redditors Call Out “Female Privilege” in Candid Photography

We all know the stereotype — a middle-aged man with a big camera and long lens, photographing people passing by. He must be a creep, a child snatcher, a voyeur with ill intention. I feel confident in saying that, most of the time, the labeling is unfair, and most people have good ethics and only want to capture candid moments. thephoblographer.com »

2020-7-14 19:00

Sony àíîíñèðîâàëà ïðîãðàììó Alpha Female

Ó÷àñòíèöû ïîëó÷àò ãðàíò â ðàçìåðå 25 òûñÿ÷ äîëëàðîâ è ðóêîâîäèòåëÿ-ôîòîãðàôà èç ñîîáùåñòâà Sony Artisans of Imagery. Sony àíîíñèðîâàëà Alpha Female — íîâóþ ïðîãðàììó äëÿ æåíùèí-ôîòîãðàôîâ è îïåðàòîðîâ èç ÑØÀ è Êàíàäû. fototips.ru »

2018-10-10 20:40

Photographer Outs Herself as Mystery Donor of $5.5M to Female Artists

In 1996, a mysterious program called Anonymous Was a Woman began giving $25,000 with no questions asked to 10 underrecognized female artists over the age of 40. Now, 22 years and $5.5 million later, the anonymous benefactor behind the program has finally stepped forward: she’s 77-year-old photographer Susan Unterberg. The photographer revealed her identity to […] petapixel.com »

2018-7-25 22:12

Women’s Faces Before, During, And After Orgasm In Photo Series Aimed To Help Normalize Female Sexuality

Ah, the elusive female orgasm. We don't always talk about it, and not all of us have experienced it, but it deserves our love and appreciation nonetheless. Brazilian photographer Marcos Alberti is aiming to break up the dense fog surrounding the world of female sexuality, and is celebrating it in all its glory with The O Project - a steamy series featuring photos of women from all around the world before, during, and after orgasm. boredpanda.com »

2017-10-19 13:04