Результатов: 43

Стоматолог предупредила об усилении чувствительности зубов из-за отбеливающих паст

Стоматолог-терапевт «СМ-Стоматология» Полина Солдаткина предостерегла от регулярного использования отбеливающих паст. ferra.ru »

2025-1-22 03:12

Саблезубые тигры раскрывали пасть на 110 градусов: насколько силен был укус?

Группа исследователей проверила эффективность укуса Smilodon, вымершего рода хищников, близкого к кошачьим. Используя высокоточное 3D-сканирование и методы моделирования, команда выяснила, как этим животным удавалось кусаться, несмотря на внушительную длину их зубов. ferra.ru »

2022-12-10 19:17

I’ve Been Analyzing Jays In My Garden For The Past Years And I Can Now Recognize Them By Their “Barcodes”

Over the past years, I have been photographing jays in the garden. I realized that they might be able to be recognized as individuals by their most gorgeous feature, the blue and black “barcode.” The post I've Been Analyzing Jays In My Garden For The Past Years And I Can Now Recognize Them By Their "Barcodes" first appeared on Bored Panda. boredpanda.com »

2020-12-30 19:08

I’ve Been Photographing Gorgeous Jays In My Garden For The Past Years And I’ve Learned To Tell Them Apart By Their Black And Blue “Barcodes”

Over the past years, I have been photographing jays in the garden. I realized that they might be able to be recognized as individuals by their most gorgeous feature, the blue and black “barcode.” The post I've Been Photographing Gorgeous Jays In My Garden For The Past Years And I've Learned To Tell Them Apart By Their Black And Blue "Barcodes" first appeared on Bored Panda. boredpanda.com »

2020-12-31 19:08

Blast from the Past: Using the Polaroid Palette to Make 35mm Negatives from iPhone Photos

The hybrid processes from the transition to digital photography generated lots of garbage, cheap stuff to experiment with. This story is about one of these discoveries. Background Photography came into my life in my teenage years, at a point when I was already someone who always checked inside dumpsters trying to find interesting things to […] petapixel.com »

2020-3-7 22:18

Research Finds Number of Photo Shoots in LA Increased by 63% in the Past Decade – Here’s Why

Things are bright and sunny over at Los Angeles, California, where the number of photo shoots in LA has increased from 1,925 in 2008 to 3,033 in 2018 – that’s a whopping 63% – despite the average cost of securing to shoot still photos in the city also increasing by 87.4%, or from $353 to $662 in the same period of time. thephoblographer.com »

2018-11-10 20:00

Why Our Attachment to the Past is Hindering the Future of Photography

There’s a very succinct analogy by Marshall McLuhan, summing up our society’s focus on the past: “We look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future.” McLuhan was referring to technology, but his observation works just as well in the context of modern-day photography: Even as technology reshapes it, we […] petapixel.com »

2017-4-6 19:23