Результатов: 68

Photographer Launches DIY Large-Format Pinhole Camera Kits

A film photographer has launched a crowdfunding campaign for DIY pinhole camera kits with the aim of making large-format shooting affordable, accessible, and easy. Set up by David Hancock, a photographer and writer who also shares educational material on YouTube, the Kickstarter campaign features large-format pinhole cameras — 5119 Cameras — that are designed to […] petapixel.com »

2021-8-5 22:57

Thingyfy Pinhole Pro – пинхол-объективы для цифровых камер

Китайская компания Thingyfy решила освоить узкую нишу для ценителей аналогового стиля, а именно изображений, получаемых с помощью пинхол-камер или, иначе, камер-обскура, и заняться выпуском пинхол-объективов к современным цифровым камерам. photowebexpo.ru »

2019-8-11 09:20

Стартовали продажи Pinhole Pro X 18-36mm

Амбициозный Kickstarter проект по сбору средств на новый Pinhole Pro X 18-36mm, выстрелил вполне удачно. Из запрошенных 5 000$ ребята на сегодняшний день собрали более 55 000$, и теперь все желающие могут заказать свою копию объектива за 41$, а отправка Pinhole Pro X 18-36mm начнется в ноябре 2019 года. photar.ru »

2019-8-10 18:50

Pinhole Cameras Are Taking 1,000-Year Exposures Around Lake Tahoe

So, how's your photography project going? You're probably doing a long-term documentary photography series, or maybe a collection of street portraits. Those will definitely take some time to complete, but surely not as long as the pinhole camera project of conceptual artist and experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats. thephoblographer.com »

2019-6-28 22:00

You Can Now Use Your Camera Filters with the New ONDU MK III Pinhole Cameras

The ONDU MK III is still in the early stages of its Kickstarter campaign as we speak, yet it already seems poised to become one of the, if not the, most advanced pinhole camera in the market. Now equipped with several new features, ONDU’s latest series of handcrafted pinhole cameras is geared towards those who wish to do more with pinhole photography. thephoblographer.com »

2018-11-2 01:00