This Arca-Swiss Tripod Plate Hides an AirTag On Your Camera
The TagVault AirTag Camera Plate is a convenient and discreet way to keep an Apple AirTag attached to your gear.
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The TagVault AirTag Camera Plate is a convenient and discreet way to keep an Apple AirTag attached to your gear.
[Read More] »Image: SmallRig SmallRig has announced it is expanding its lineup with a new cage for the Sony a9 III and a1 II. Like SmallRig's existing offerings, the new cage aims to add additional protection for the camera. »
Many professional photographers, especially those working in studio environments, tether their cameras to a computer when shooting. It allows photographers to instantly see full-resolution files, which can be very beneficial. »
Десятилетняя загадка, связанная с закодированным посланием, найденным в старинном шелковом платье, наконец-то раскрыта. Аналитик данных Уэйн Чан из Университета Манитобы разгадал код, показав, что послание на самом деле представляет собой серию закодированных метеорологических сводок. »
SmallRig has launched another nice accessory. The Arca Swiss/Manfrotto Mounting Plate Kit will make it easy to go between your Manfrotto and Arca Swiss compatible mounting solutions. The kit is designed to streamline scene transitions for users. »
B&H Photo has the SmallRig V-Mount Battery Adapter Plate with Dual 15mm Rod Clamp in their DealZone for $84 (Reg $119). SmallRig V-Mount Battery Adapter Plate SmallRig V-Mount Battery Adapter Plate with Dual 15mm Rod Clamp $84 (Reg $119) Go to discussion. »
B&H Photo has the Benro 70mm Arca-Swiss Plate with Smartphone Adapter in their DealZone for only $29. 95. Key Features Benro 70mm Arca-Swiss Plate with Smartphone Adapter $29. 95 (Reg $62. 95) Go to discussion. »
Photographer Markus Hofstaetter's wet-plate work often features big, ultra-fast lenses. However, Hofstaetter recently acquired a very tiny lens that has caused him some massive problems. [Read More] »
Что, если бы электроника была сделана из органического вещества? Именно это хотят выяснить исследователи из Университета Западной Англии. Для этого они разработали “грибную” материнскую плату. »
Были слухи, что YouTube ухудшает стандартное качество 1080p, чтобы сделать подписку Premium более привлекательной для пользователей – новое заявление компании опровергает первую часть слуха (но для Premium-пользователей “плюшки” все же будут). »
Photographer Matt Alberts used an antiquated wet plate tintype camera to cover the modern world of freeride motocross.
[Read More] »Astrophotographer Ian Griffin captured this unusual photo of a solar analemma that charts the Sun's path over a year using a pinhole camera with a 4x5 glass plate inside. [Read More] »
Исследователи из Университета Джорджа Вашингтона получили важное представление о том, как человеческий мозг обрабатывает объект в зрительной системе и где в мозге происходит эта обработка. Их исследование показывает, что люди воспринимают объекты по-разному в зависимости от их предварительного знания и опыта в отношении этого объекта. »
Самарский фотограф собирается издать фотокнигу о женщине, которая столкнувшись с раком и отечественной медициной, решила самостоятельно сшить себе платье на похороны. »
Photographer Corrine Gretton-West booked a wet plate workshop with me before the COVID-19 pandemic began. Two years later we were finally able to do it. [Read More] »
Photographer Markus Hofstaetter specializes in large format photography, including the wet plate photographic process. Hofstaetter also offers workshops, including ones where fellow photographers can try their hand at wet plate photography. »
The Accademia del Disegno (“Academy of Design”), which opened in 1563 Florence, Italy was the world’s first academy of art. Prior to that time, to succeed with a career in the arts, a would-be artist either apprenticed in a respected Master’s atelier or was self-educated. [Read More] »
Есть несколько характеристик, исходя из которых нужно выбирать SSD-накопитель для компьютера. Их список привёл пользователь iXBT. com Антон. SSD способен увеличить производительность компьютера. »
Photographer Markus Hofstaetter specializes in large format photography, including film and wet plate processes. We've featured his wet plate collodion photography before, including this article about shooting wet plate collodion exposures handheld and another one about capturing spooky Halloween wet plate portraits. »
For the past five years, I have organized an annual photographic Tableaux Vivant based on classic paintings. I have included anywhere from 15, or in the instance of my 2021 construction, No Vaccine for Death, 90 collaborators. »
Jonas Ferdinand Gabriel Lippmann, known as Gabriel Lippmann, accomplished a lot during his 75 years. Born in Luxembourg in 1845, Lippmann, a physicist, was a pioneer of color photography. His method for producing color photographs, which relied upon the interference phenomenon, earned Lippman the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1908. »
Meet the Offset Ti Plate, a ‘state of the art’ reimagination of the standard tripod plate from Luma Labs that costs $95. In the event a standard tripod plate isn’t enough for your needs, Luma Labs has created what may very well be the most expensive tripod plate to date. »
In the latest episode of 'Darkroom Magic,'the George Eastman Museum's historic photographic process specialist, Nick Brandreth, teaches viewers how to make a 35mm daguerreotype at home without the use of dangerous or expensive chemicals. »
It hasn’t been easy being a portrait photographer during a pandemic. I opened my tintype portrait studio in February of 2020 with visions of goofy vintage photo remakes and smiling families gracing my lens. »
With the current state of affairs, photographers have been coming up with unique ways to exercise their craft remotely. Photographer Markus Hofstaetter decided he wanted to make a portrait with a friend and came up with a way to do it despite the vast distance between them. »
«Белое платье» – проект белорусского фотографа Оксаны Вениаминовой. Для своего проекта она искала героинь, которые хранят свои платья десятки лет. И спрашивала: зачем они это делают »
Life is difficult when you are a portrait photographer and social distancing restrictions prevent face-to-face meetings with anyone beyond the people you live with. Not one to let a global virus pandemic get in the way of a good picture, Shane Balkowitsch combined modern and ancient technology to create a wet-plate photograph of a friend who was almost 4000 miles away using video-conferencing application Zoom. »
Photographers around the world have been getting creative to keep their skills sharp during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and widespread home quarantine. While many photographers are experimenting with doing remote photo shoots over video chat, Shane Balkowitsch took it to a new level by capturing a wet plate portrait. As far as Balkowitsch can tell […] »
A new quick-release plate called the “Magic Plate” has made its way onto Kickstarter, where it claims to be the easiest way to quickly switch between portrait and landscape mode without having to remove your camera from your tripod. »
A new Kickstarter campaign from Silence Corner is seeking funds for 'Magic Plate,' a new quick-release plate that enables photographers to quickly switch between landscape and portrait shooting. »
Spider Holster, the company best known for its camera-carrying accessories, has launched four new products, including updated versions of its SpiderPro Hand Strap and its Lens Collar Plate. »
Greta Thunberg exploded into the public consciousness last month after the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist gave an impassioned and scathing speech to world leaders at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York. »
Fine art photographer Borut Peterlin was recently commissioned to shoot some ambrotypes by costume designer Alan Hranitelj, but he went a few steps beyond your standard wet plate collodion photography. »
Some of you may already be familiar with Mathieu Stern and wet plate artist Markus Hofstaetter, who both share their photography passions on their respective YouTube channels. We've seen a lot of Markus' stuff in particular, as he's one of our go-to guys when it comes to wet plate photography. »
Over a year since we learned about Jason Lane and his own hand-coated glass dry plates, the New Hampshire-based dry plate photographer is back with a new project. After spending the last year collaborating with Steve Lloyd of Chroma Camera, they're now ready to present the result of their hard work. »
French photographer and filmmaker Mathieu Stern has shared a new video showcasing wet plate photography on his YouTube channel. The video introduces viewers to the process of shooting with cameras around 150 years old, including preparing the plates, setting up the camera, capturing the subject, and developing the final image. »
Planning to give wet plate photography a go but realized you're missing a 5x7 plate holder and haven't been able to find one? To the rescue comes Robert Bieber who recently shared on the r/Collodion subreddit his design for such holder. Now, all you need to do is get access to a 3D printer. »
In my work travels, I recently met someone who gave me an interesting gift. Several years back he had been driving down a back road in Virginia and came across an old, abandoned farmhouse. He stopped and peeked in to see if anyone was using the place (you can’t be too careful about what you […] »
Wet plate photography, also known as wet collodion process, is among the topics we like to keep tabs on, mainly because it's amazing how this centuries-old photographic process is kept alive in the digital age. »
If you've been following the work of Markus Hofstaetter with us for some time now, you'll know that you can trust him to come up with the craziest and most surprising wet plate photography projects. »
Modern Collodion has just announced the winners of the 2019 Wet Plate Competition, the second annual contest for wet plate collodion photographers around the world after launching last year. This year, over 220 photos were submitted by 90 photographers based in 19 different countries. »
Just when we think we've seen everything from Austrian portrait and wedding photographer Markus Hofstaetter, he manages to surprise us each time. He's pushed the boundaries of wet plate photography and what can be done for the craft. »
Passport photos on wet plate collodion aren’t legally compliant, but you’re guaranteed to have fun making them. I shot wet plate collodion passport photos using a Polaroid Miniportrait camera. »
New York photographer Justin Borucki has been documenting his city with a pop-up tintype studio out of the back of his car. While shooting a portrait for a client recently, Borucki unexpectedly captured a beautiful leaf-like pattern across the photo due to the frigid wind chill causing ice crystals to form. Borucki’s pop-up tintype studio […] »
Can you achieve the unique look of wet plate photography in a digital photo? The short answer, of course, is yes. But the real question should probably be, how close does it look to the real thing? We find out in this interesting quick comparison video. »
While the rest of the world has been concentrating on making cameras smaller and lighter photographer Ian Ruhter was making one literally the size of a house in order to make the world’s largest wet collodion plate. »
«Мне было легче отождествлять себя с персонажами на грани истерики, которые были напуганы жизнью, которые отчаянно тянулись к другому человеку. Но эти, казалось, хрупкие люди и есть на самом деле сильные люди», – Теннесси Уильямс. »
Wet plate collodion photographer Ian Ruhter has made a name for himself by pushing the boundaries of the medium. For his latest endeavor, Ruhter turned a 200-pound sheet of glass into the world’s largest wet plate collodion photo. »
Just launched on crowdfunding site Kickstarter, Steadify enables photographers to keep their camera steady using a wearable hip-based stabilizer rather than a tripod. The wearable device features a telescoping monopod attached to a three-axis ball-head on a base plate. »
Here’s something you may not have known about the 1800s wet plate collodion photography process: it can make certain tattoos disappear in photos. It’s a curious phenomenon that photographer Michael Bradley used for his portrait project Puaki. »