Singer Ed Sheeran’s ‘New Thing’ is Photography With a Compact Camera
British singer Ed Sheeran says he has ditched his iPad and swapped it for a compact camera "like it's 1997."
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British singer Ed Sheeran says he has ditched his iPad and swapped it for a compact camera "like it's 1997."
[Read More] »Два передатчика со встроенными микрофонами, приёмник и зарядный футляр – вот, вне всяких сомнений, товар года. Подобные комплекты выпустили, наверное, все производители, на любой вкус, размер и цвет, и, казалось бы, зачем выпускать ещё один? К тому же выпускать компании 3 Legged Thing, которая известна своими необычными весьма качественными и дорогими штативами, различными L-образными кронштейнами и другими аксессуарами для камер. »
As its name suggests, British company 3 Legged Thing is best known for its tripods and associated accessories, like camera plates and L brackets. However, the company has ventured into new territory this week with its Str3amcase triple mic system, hereafter referred to as "Streamcase." [Read More] »
Spotify планирует вывести из эксплуатации Car Thing, но энтузиасты нашли способы дать устройству новую жизнь. Ютубер Dammit Jeff продемонстрировал несколько креативных модификаций, которые превращают Car Thing в полезный музыкальный контроллер для рабочего стола, настраиваемый инструмент для ярлыков или простые цифровые часы. »
Super Mario Party Jamboree for Nintendo Switch features a fun yet challenging minigame about capturing precise street photography moments. [Read More] »
3 Legged Thing's new Camera Desk Mount System allows content creators to rig up their desks with camera and accessory mounts, eliminating the need for tripods for at-home shoots. [Read More] »
Some of the best wildlife photography I've seen couldn't have been done without a flash. Of course, that's only the technical part of it. The bigger has to do with location, timing, and sometimes just stupid luck on top of technical know-how. »
An analog photographer has stuck his head above the parapet to claim that AI-generated images are "the best thing that has happened to photography." [Read More] »
In a recent interview, a Samsung executive attempted to gaslight us all by saying that no photo is really "real."
[Read More] »In a recent interview with Samsung regarding its push into generative AI, the South Korean company took a strong and, likely, polarizing stance: there is no such thing as a real picture. [Read More] »
British tripod and photo accessory company 3 Legged Thing has introduced Wrapz, which is, as the stylized name suggests, a protective wrap for camera equipment. [Read More] »
3 Legged Thing has announced an updated version of its Patti flip-lock tripod, adding new features and performance to the company's best-selling general use tripod. [Read More] »
When we reviewed the 3 Legged Thing Brian 2. 0, we found it to be one of the best tripods on the market. “Everything about the 3 Legged Thing Brian 2. 0 made it feel like a much more expensive tripod,” we said in the review. »
The original Tamron 70-180mm f/2. 8 Di III VXD has quite a wordy title to say. Luckily, it's worth the hassle because it is one of my favorite lenses in recent memory. »
Recently we made a video detailing the worst things that each of the major camera manufacturers was guilty of. It could have been a lack of foresight or a technological setback. »
The launch of the Nikon Z fc was met with a mixed outcry of love for the retro-inspired design and disenchantment over the camera’s crop sensor and single card slot. But that outcry fueled rumors that the company would craft a similar camera with a full-frame sensor someday. »
Компания 3 Legged Thing представила именно такие кронштейны Alfie и Ollie для камер Sony и OM System OM-1, соответственно. Цены – $130 и $120, также соответственно. © PhotoWebExpo, 2023, https://photowebexpo. »
Британский производитель штативов 3 Legged Thing (3LT) выпустил штатив Charles 2. 0 в своей линейке Pro. Он имеет такие же дизайн и конструкцию, что и карбоновый Winston 2. 0, но изготовлен из магниевого сплава, поэтому он несколько тяжелее, но зато дешевле. »
A new term has popped up recently: "Synthographer." It's a mishmash of the word synthesis and photographer and describes artists creating digital media from AI image generators. [Read More] »
While some might disagree, I argue it’s never a bad thing to add more features to cameras that make it easier for a photographer to get a great photo. [Read More] »
A wedding photographer took to social media to describe how the "worst thing that can happen to a photographer" on a job happened to him. [Read More] »
Computational photography pioneer Marc Levoy argues "straight photography," an idea popularized by Ansel Adams, is a myth. [Read More] »
Tripods seem to be either lightweight or strong. If they’re versatile, they’re often compromising on either strength or weight. That’s where the 3 Legged Thing Billy 2. 0 comes into play. While it’s built for the beginner in mind, its light weight and versatility are sure to entice working photographers. »
There isn't anything more anxiety-inducing than a tripod that might suddenly drop your camera. Luckily, that didn't happen with the 3 Legged Thing Brian 2. 0 Tripod. In fact, I was astounded at how sturdy it is. »
Just about 5 years after the launch of the first edition of the Punks Corey model, 3 Legged Thing has announced the Corey 2. 0 tripod. They've also brought out the updated Airhed Neo 2 ballhead as a companion to this. »
Examining and understanding tripods is sometimes a tough job. But the 3 Legged Thing Winston 2. 0 felt pretty definite. I have a Manfrotto and Benro tripod around the office that I use fairly often. »
Сегодня пришла новость о новом L-кронштейне от британского производителя 3 Legged Thing под названием Roxie, который разработан специально для EOS R5 и R6, и при этом, по традиции изделий компании, выглядит весьма симпатично. »
I think camera brands that work with third parties for support are fantastic. That's part of how Sony got to where it is right now. Today, Canon users are getting the new 3 Legged Thing Roxie. It's a special bracket designed for the Canon EOS R5 and the Canon EOS R6. »
. . . Мы очень рады представить обновление нашего монопода Alan, – сказал Стюарт Бостон, директор по продажам 3LT. – Его предшественник с момента его выпуска был чрезвычайно популярен среди фотографов дикой природы и спорта, и поэтому пришло время довести конструктивные обновления и дизайнерские усовершенствования от наших штативов Pro Range 2. »
With today’s announcement of the Sony Alpha 1, we saw an important camera capability moved to the forefront of the announcement: shutter sync speed. While it is often a detail that some photographers have to dive into press releases and spec sheets for – and ultimately be disappointed by – it is an absolutely crucial […] »
For photographers that shoot landscapes or long exposures regularly, a reliable tripod is an essential tool in their arsenal besides their camera setup. For most photographers, however, the only thing they care about is that a tripod is stable and functions without fail. »
Английская компания 3 Legged Things — известный производитель штативов и других фото и видео аксессуаров, анонсировала два новых штатива серии «Legends». Новинки получили наименование – «Ray» и «Bucky». »
Компания 3 Legged Things из Великобритании специализируется на производстве штативов и других аксессуаров для фото- и видеосъёмки премиального качества. Сегодня пришла новость о двух штативах серии “Legends” под названием “Ray” и “Bucky”. »
Tripods are perhaps one accessory that we rely on a lot but give little credit too. I mean, they're just tripods, right? You plant it on the ground, attach your camera, and it just sits there doing its job, but did you know that tripods can be cool as well as functional? We have been given a chance to test out the new 3 Legged Thing Ray tripod and the new Airhed VU ball head, which are a part of the 3 Legged Thing's new Legend range of tripods and accessories. »
I have sometimes been critical when landscape photographers combine two or more photos not taken at the same time to make one great photo — adding northern lights or beautiful skies to a photo that did not have them, for example — and then making people believe it was something that really happened. I’m not […] »
Уже хорошо знакомая нашим читателям компания 3 Legged Thing "Треногое [животное]" – частый гость нашей новостной ленты. Совсем недавно эта британская компания анонсировала премиальную линейку штативов “Legends”, ранее – панк-штатив “Patti”, в арсенале компании много различных аксессуаров, и все они представляют собой нечто яркое, интересное и необычное, о чём хочется написать в новостях, а при случае и прикупить себе в пользование. »
Британская компания 3 Legged Thing, название который можно переводится как "Треногое [животное]", представила новую премиальную серию штативов и аксессуаров и первые три продукта в этой линейке: два штатива и видеоголовка. »
Изготовитель штативов 3 Legged Thing анонсировала новую линейку премиальных триподов, спроектированных для удовлетворения нужд как фотографов, так и видеографов. »
Over the course of a year, I've met and photographed the work of companies and non-profits dedicated to making performing arts inclusive of people of all abilities, in Montreal. »
Over the course of a year, I've met and photographed the work of companies and non-profits dedicated to making performing arts inclusive of people of all abilities, in Montreal. »
German researchers have created a new high dynamic range (HDR) CMOS image sensor that features a new pixel design that could pretty much do away with blown highlights. While traditional CMOS sensors have pixels that “clip” and stop capturing highlight data when they’re fully saturated — all additional data is lost in those areas of […] »
The abundance of cameras closes doors for the few and opens them for the many, especially the poor. “They’re too expensive,” my mom would say when the discussion of getting a camera came up. It wasn’t her fault: she was a single mom with one child and we didn’t have much money. When I was »
Over the last month or so, there has been a lot of little hints sent our way about new Canon EOS R bodies. There won’t Read more... »
The 3 Legged Thing Zelda is the first camera-specific L-Bracket designed to fit Nikon’s Z series range of full frame mirrorless cameras. »
Компания 3 Legged Thing представила штатив Patti, который относится к новой "панковской" серии – имя свое он получил в честь Patti Smith, известной представительницы этого музыкального движения. Поскольку панки традиционно являются контркультурой, и новинка также сильно отличается от всей предшествовавшей продукции: это первый штатив компании не с винтовыми зажимами, а с защелками. »
Британский производитель штативов 3 Legged Thing анонсировал новый бюджетный трипод. »
Британская компания 3 Legged Thing впервые выпускает штатив с фиксацией ног клипсами-защёлками, а не замками на трении, как во всех других моделях. »
The British tripod maker 3 Legged Thing has announced a new Punks-series tripod called Patti. It’s the company’s first ever tripod to feature flip-lock legs rather than the friction locks found on all the other models. »
Sometimes we put things off so many times that the act of delaying that thing becomes automatic. “I’ll get to that thing tomorrow”, and tomorrow comes, tomorrow goes, and that thing never gets taken care of. »
"Smile" is the thing that your parents and those old school portrait photographers used to say to us. "Show a bit more teeth. " It's just as awkward now as an adult as it is as a child. Indeed, with being both in front of the camera and behind it, I've known that asking someone to smile is the worst thing to do unless there's a very good rapport with the person. »