While some folks hate black and white, I find there to be special magic to it. Of course, not every black and white image is super sharp. But compared to a comparable color photo, they're far sharper.
Believe it or not, the best way to see how sharp your lens can involve converting your images to black and white. Don't believe me? Well, look at history. Acros, T-Max and Tri-X are all super sharp black and white films. The images that they create are far sharper than any slide or color negative film out there. With digital, we became so enamored with color. We also were all about fixing it in post-production to make an image look sharper. Now here's the crazier secret: even if your color photo is sharp, it's going to look sharper in black and white. Don't believe us?. thephoblographer.com
2019-10-29 07:00