Результатов: 29

60 лучших фотографий конкурса Close-Up Photo of the Year 2022

Завершился фотоконкурс «Close-Up Photo of the Year» 2022 года, а общим победителем среди всех категорий стала фотография с плотоядным цветком, поедающим двух саламандр. В этом году на конкурс, который проводится при поддержке компании Affinity Photo, было представлено более 9 000 фотографий из 54 стран в 11 категориях: «Животные», «Насекомые», «Растения», «Грибы», «Естественный пейзаж», «Подводный мир», […] photar.ru »

2023-1-11 10:10

Photo of Bugs Caught in a Lamp Wins Close-Up Photographer of the Year

The annual “Close-Up Photographer of the Year” contest has announced its 2021 winners, showcasing beautiful close-up, macro, and micro images submitted from photographers worldwide. Founded in 2018 by Tracy and Dan Calder, the competition is an annual photographic contest that aims to encourage photographers to “slow down and make long-lasting connections with the world around […] petapixel.com »

2021-10-19 19:47

Close-Up Portraits of Bees Reveal How Different They Actually Look

Wildlife camera and drone operator Josh Forwood shot a fascinating series of close-up portraits of bees that “show how very different they all look.” Forwood, whose work has appeared in Netflix, Disney, BBC, Nat Geo, and PBS, decided to shoot bee portraits while quarantining at home in Bristol after returning from a job. He decided […] petapixel.com »

2021-5-23 20:34

100 Winning Images From The Close-Up Photography Of The Year 2020 Competition Have Just Been Announced And They’re All Stunning

The Close-Up Photography Awards that celebrates and showcases close-up, macro, and microphotography, has just announced its winners and finalists. The overall Close-up Photographer of the Year award was won by a French photographer Galice Hoarau for his image of an eel larva, captured off the island of Lembeh, Indonesia. boredpanda.com »

2020-10-7 08:58