Blue Ghost Spacecraft Captures Incredible Close-Up Video of the Moon
The Blue Ghost spacecraft captured a stunning close-up video of the moon with the Earth rising and setting behind.
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The Blue Ghost spacecraft captured a stunning close-up video of the moon with the Earth rising and setting behind.
[Read More] »A photographer had a powerful experience with a whale who swam up close allowing her to capture a close-up photo of the humpback's eye. [Read More] »
For the first time, astronomers captured a zoomed-in picture of a dying star in a galaxy outside the Milky Way Galaxy, not only learning vital information about the nature of the Universe but demonstrating remarkable advancements in imaging technology. [Read More] »
The shortlist for Close-Up Photographer of the Year has been revealed. The judges whittled down 11,681 photographs to a select few. [Read More] »
Nikon Instruments Inc. announced the winners of its 50th anniversary Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition. This year, the prestigious photomicrography competition received around 2,100 entries from amateurs, researchers, students, and other scientists in 80 countries. [Read More] »
The European Space Agency (ESA) published a new video captured from its Solar Orbiter that provides an up-close, detailed look at the Sun's corona. [Read More] »
Apple's new iPhone 15 Pro Max is an awesome smartphone for photographers and videographers. One of the device's big new features is its 120mm f/2.8 lens, delivering five times the reach of the phone's main camera. [Read More] »
Researchers on board the NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer have captured gorgeous footage of what is known as a glass squid. While this creature isn't rare, close-up views of it like this truly highlight its beauty. [Read More] »
The first time the public ever got to see a close-up image of Mars they were actually looking at a paint-by-numbers picture generated from the real photo's data. [Read More] »
Завершился фотоконкурс «Close-Up Photo of the Year» 2022 года, а общим победителем среди всех категорий стала фотография с плотоядным цветком, поедающим двух саламандр. В этом году на конкурс, который проводится при поддержке компании Affinity Photo, было представлено более 9 000 фотографий из 54 стран в 11 категориях: «Животные», «Насекомые», «Растения», «Грибы», «Естественный пейзаж», «Подводный мир», […] »
A photo of two salamanders being consumed by a carnivorous pitcher plant has won the fourth annual Close-Up Photographer of the Year competition. [Read More] »
The winners of the 2022 Mangrove Photography Awards have been announced with a close-up portrait of an American crocodile in Cuba taking being crowned the overall winner. [Read More] »
Juno, NASA's space orbiter that recently completed a close flyby of Europa, has captured the highest-ever resolution close-up of a specific portion of the icy moon. [Read More] »
NASA has released images taken from Juno Probe after it passed close to Jupiter's frozen ocean moon Europa this week.
[Read More] »The third year of the Close-up Photographer of the Year competition has just come to a close, and the winners have been announced. The contest “celebrates close-up, macro, and micro photography. »
The annual “Close-Up Photographer of the Year” contest has announced its 2021 winners, showcasing beautiful close-up, macro, and micro images submitted from photographers worldwide. Founded in 2018 by Tracy and Dan Calder, the competition is an annual photographic contest that aims to encourage photographers to “slow down and make long-lasting connections with the world around […] »
Wildlife camera and drone operator Josh Forwood shot a fascinating series of close-up portraits of bees that “show how very different they all look.” Forwood, whose work has appeared in Netflix, Disney, BBC, Nat Geo, and PBS, decided to shoot bee portraits while quarantining at home in Bristol after returning from a job. He decided […] »
The winners of the second annual Close-Up Photographer of the Year contest were announced recently, showcasing some of the best “close-up, macro & micro photography” from around the globe and inspiring all of us to take a closer look at the tiny worlds that surround us. »
The Close-Up Photography Awards that celebrates and showcases close-up, macro, and microphotography, has just announced its winners and finalists. The overall Close-up Photographer of the Year award was won by a French photographer Galice Hoarau for his image of an eel larva, captured off the island of Lembeh, Indonesia. »
The Close-Up Photography Awards that celebrates and showcases close-up, macro, and microphotography, has just announced its winners and finalists. The overall Close-up Photographer of the Year award was won by a French photographer Galice Hoarau for his image of an eel larva, captured off the island of Lembeh, Indonesia. »
Most of us are stuck at home right now thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thankfully, macro photography generally doesn't require you to be out and about or to have to interact with others. As a result, many photographers have turned to it as a creative outlet while sheltering in place. »
Find yourself struggling to get sharply focused macro shots? It's especially frustrating when you had a great macro shoot outdoors only to find later that your favorites aren't as sharply focused as they should be. »
An ant’s stinger is thinner than the width of a human hair, and made up of a main stinger and two “lancets” that actively drill into you as they release venom. We know this because of the incredible footage of this process that was recently captured for the very first time in super-slow motion. The […] »
When a tornado touched down near Sulphur, Oklahoma, yesterday, storm chaser Brandon Clement of WxChasing launched his 4K camera drone and flew it toward to the tornado. This incredible 4-minute video is what resulted from his efforts. »
A photographic project by self-taught composer and photographer Pyanek - "Amazing Worlds" - reveals details of our everyday lives from a new perspective. Foods and objects are captured with a macro lens which turns them into distinctive images inspiring awe. »
In today's post that we're filing under "stuff we want to do but can't figure out how", we want to explore one of the most fascinating techniques commonly used by pros: aerial photography. It's no ordinary aerial photography, however. »
How does SpaceX get such clear and detailed imagery and footage of its rocket launches? Here’s a 5-minute video from Primal Space that answers that question. With a rocket moving at over 3,000mph (5,000km/h) at a distance of perhaps 37 miles (60km) away from the camera, it can be very difficult to get clear footage that tracks […] »
During the Great American Eclipse, photographer JunHo Oh captured this incredible close-up 4K footage of totality in real time. You can see a great deal of detail on the moon’s surface and in the Sun’s corona. »
As portrait projects go, Dylan Hamm‘s series Naked Faces is strange… and creative. He shot two passport-style headshots of 43 different strangers—one with, and one without any clothes on. »