Scientists Use Remote Cameras to Capture Polar Bear Cubs Emerging From Dens
Scientists used remote cameras over 10 years to capture unprecedented footage of polar bear cubs emerging from dens for the first time. [Read More] »
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Scientists used remote cameras over 10 years to capture unprecedented footage of polar bear cubs emerging from dens for the first time. [Read More] »
Camera traps set up in China to help monitor and protect Siberian tigers, an endangered species, captured a startling discovery: Siberian tigers hunting and eating bears. [Read More] »
Have you ever thought of getting a small camera that can surpass any other device but uses little power? Well, a group of scientists has been able to achieve this with the help of a new compact camera that simply needs lights to complete these tasks. »
Scientists have discovered and photographed cave-dwelling "zombie" spiders that have been infected by parasitic fungi.
[Read More] »Scientists have been able to track penguins in Antarctica with the help of smartphone photos taken by tourists.
[Read More] »Scientists have developed a new AI tool that lets users generate realistic satellite images of future flooding and prepare for approaching storms. [Read More] »
An underwater robot captured footage of an astonishing bristled creature in the remote ocean.
[Read More] »Researchers captured first-of-its-kind footage of a new glow-in-the-dark species of sea slug living in the "midnight zone" of the ocean -- a part untouched by sunlight more than 7,000ft below the surface. [Read More] »
Researchers have developed a smartphone app that captures full-body motion without the need for special cameras or expensive equipment. [Read More] »
Researchers have made an AI bot capable of beating image-based CAPTCHAs 100 percent of the time, according to a new scientific paper. [Read More] »
Scientists have photographed 20 never-before-seen species that were discovered during a deep sea expedition and captured the first-ever footage of a rare squid. [Read More] »
Scientists at the SLAC-Stanford Battery Center in Menlo Park, California, have found a surprising way to improve lithium-ion battery lifespan by 50%. [Read More] »
The Larsen Ice Shelf in Antarctica has been breaking for decades, but 2002's Larsen B collapse was especially dramatic. After being stable for at least 10,000 years, a large portion of the shelf broke apart, with the consequences felt around the entire planet. [Read More] »
Scientists have captured incredible footage of a deep-sea mother squid clutching dozens of unusually huge eggs.
[Read More] »Scientists have created the thinnest optical lens ever made for camera systems. At just three atoms thick, the researchers believe it will be especially useful for future wearables like the now defunct Google Glass or Meta's RayBan smart glasses. [Read More] »
Scientists photographed an orangutan treating a large wound on its cheek with a medicinal plant in world-first images.
[Read More] »Scientists think they may have captured a colossal squid baby on camera -- potentially making it the first-ever footage of the elusive creature in the wild. [Read More] »
Researchers have developed a new technique for salvaging tarnished 19th-century daguerreotype photographs and revealing images that otherwise "seemed lost forever." [Read More] »
These photos show never-before-seen underwater creatures living within the Pacific Ocean deep off Chile's coastline.
[Read More] »In 1181, a supernova explosion appeared in the night sky for 185 days. Historical records show that the supernova, which some witnesses said looked like a "temporary star," shined as bright as Saturn in the constellation Cassiopeia. [Read More] »
A high-end mirrorless camera can shoot over 100 frames per second (FPS) but it pales in comparison to a camera system researchers in Canada have made that can shoot up to 156.3 trillion FPS. [Read More] »
Scientists photographed never-before-seen underwater species including pink "Barbie Pigs" during a deep-sea expedition.
[Read More] »Scientists have shared the first-ever photographs of a newly discovered species of beetle that was almost mistaken for bird poo. [Read More] »
Scientists have photographed a never-before-seen deep-sea worm species that moves just like a "living magic carpet."
[Read More] »Scientists captured eerie photos of a mysterious elephant burial -- that revealed how animals mourn and bury their dead in a poignantly similar way to humans. [Read More] »
Scientists have photographed more than 100 never-before-seen species that were discovered during a deep-sea expedition.
[Read More] »Scientists attached cameras to polar bears and the shocking footage revealed that the animals are starving due to the rapidly shrinking sea ice. [Read More] »
It's well understood that animals see differently from us humans, but visualizing those differences has proved challenging. However, a group of scientists from the UK and the US have developed a camera system that can accurately record animal-perceived photos and videos. [Read More] »
Scientists have filmed neighboring plants "chatting" and receiving warning messages from each other in groundbreaking footage. [Read More] »
Scientists took over 11,000 photos of ants to reveal how the different patterns and textures on their faces could be the secret behind their survival as a species. [Read More] »
Researchers have found that artificial intelligence (AI) generated white faces are "more realistic" than actual human faces in photos. [Read More] »
By combining data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have discovered the most distant black hole ever detected in X-rays. [Read More] »
Scientists have revealed what is likely to be the first-ever footage of a single wolf hunting and killing a seal.
[Read More] »Scientists studied 1,001 selfies to learn how people use them to communicate and concluded that these photos can be classified into five distinct categories: "aesthetics," "imagination," "trait," "state," and "theory of mind." [Read More] »
New details have emerged about the world's highest-resolution single-photon super conducting camera. The camera has been developed by research team at the United States Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). [Read More] »
New research has found that humans could turn lunar dirt into smooth, clean roads on the moon -- all with the help of a giant lens. [Read More] »
Analyzing more than two decades of observational data collected by more than 20 telescopes, an international team of scientists says that the black hole at the center of the nearby M87 galaxy is spinning. [Read More] »
Researchers on board the NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer have captured gorgeous footage of what is known as a glass squid. While this creature isn't rare, close-up views of it like this truly highlight its beauty. [Read More] »
The James Webb Space Telescope YouTube channel released a fascinating new video this week that explains how Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) science visuals developers Joe DePasquale and Alyssa Pagan transform Webb's black-and-white image data into full-color composites. [Read More] »
The James Webb Space Telescope recently photographed the Herbig-Haro 46/47, a pair of newly forming stars. The beautiful composite is vast and full of rich detail, including a cosmic question mark. [Read More] »
Scientists used artificial intelligence (AI) to decode a mouse's brain signals as it was watching a film and accurately reproduce the movie clip it was seeing. [Read More] »
Scientists have figured out why people like to take selfies -- and it's not necessarily to do with vanity.
[Read More] »A team of researchers has developed a machine-learning technique to give the first-ever image of a supermassive black hole a new, sharper look. [Read More] »
A group at Caltech's Bruce Murray Laboratory for Planetary Visualization has unveiled a 5.7-terapixel global image of Mars. [Read More] »
Scientists in the Maldives are fighting a particularly devastating species of caterpillar by using targeted pesticide drone strikes, evolving a previously extremely manual and imprecise method of dealing with the problem. [Read More] »
Scientists have recorded penguins examining themselves in a mirror while displaying signs of self-awareness.
[Read More] »A group of scientists has developed a battery-free, wireless underwater camera that is powered by sound and is around 100,000 times more energy-efficient than other undersea cameras. [Read More] »
Thanks to new 3D radio and optical mapping, scientists have published more information on a phenomenon called a "gigantic jet," which is a massive electrical discharge that exits the top of a thunderstorm and connects with the lower edge of space. [Read More] »
Scientists have, for the first time, recorded a millimeter-wavelength light explosion caused by the merging of a neutron star with another star. [Read More] »
Scientists from the Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech) have developed a simple, fast, and energy-efficient method to create a carbon nanostructure made from fish scales that results in a vastly more efficient LED. [Read More] »