Результатов: 69

Documenting a bear release using Sony a1 animal and human eye-AF

Sony's latest mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras feature powerful autofocus systems which include advanced human and animal Eye-AF features. Earlier this year, DPReview's Carey Rose takes Sony's flagship Alpha 1 into the Cascade Mountains here in Washington State to document the controlled release of a black bear, rescued from possible starvation by local animal charity PAWS. dpreview.com »

2021-11-9 17:00

Одну из лучших игр для PlayStation 4 - Detroit: Become Human - распродают для ПК за полцены

Аттракцион неслыханной щедрости в Steam набирает обороты. Помимо того, что в сервисе сейчас действуют скидки на шутеры Call of Duty и симулятор строительства городов Cities: Skylines, упала цена и на одну из лучших игр для PlayStation 4 - Detroit: Become Human. ferra.ru »

2021-9-21 09:58

‘Family Portraits’ of the Devices That Have Replaced Human Interactions

Family Portraits is a project by Greek photographer Maria Mavropoulou that explores the role Internet-connected devices now play in our everyday lives. “The screens of the connectible devices we use are the only way we can have access to this parallel man-made universe, the Internet,” Mavropoulou writes in a statement about the project. “Our lives […] petapixel.com »

2020-12-24 23:07

Tragic Photo of a Monkey in a Human Mask Wins GDT Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Earlier this week, The German Society for Nature Photography (GDT) unveiled the winners of its prestigious European Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest, crowning photographer Jasper Doest the “Overall Winner” for his moving photograph of a despondent macaque removing a human mask between performances in a sake house north of Tokyo. More than 19,000 photos […] petapixel.com »

2020-10-25 20:44

Названы системные требования Heavy Rain, Detroit: Become Human и Beyond: Two Souls для ПК

Во время конференции GDC 2019, компания Epic Games объявила о скором выходе PlayStation-эксклюзивов Quantic Dream для ПК на базе Windows. Среди них оказались и Heavy Rain, Detroit: Become Human и Beyond: Two Souls. ferra.ru »

2019-3-25 10:56

I Show The Beauty Of The Human Body By Combining It With Elements Of Nature

My name is Alicja Brodowicz and I am a photographer from Poland. I have spent the last couple of months working on a project called "Visual Exercises" which is a series of diptychs where I combine parts of the human body with elements of nature in order to emphasize our unique relationship with the natural environment as well as the beauty of the human body. boredpanda.com »

2019-2-19 15:32