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GoFundMe Campaign Aims to Help Photographer Bob Croslin with Chemo

Some of you may already be aware of Florida-based commercial and editorial photographer Bob Croslin's battle with cancer since last year, for which he has gone through six months of treatment. Unfortunately, he's back in the hospital for another round of chemotherapy, so friends have started to show their support through a GoFundMe campaign. thephoblographer.com »

2019-9-22 13:00

University Headshots Aims to Bring Affordable Professional Headshots to Virginia Universities

University students in Virginia who are joining the workforce soon may find this project helpful. Lexington-based mobile photography and headshot studio University Headshots wants to expand their equipment and reach to bring affordable professional headshots to campuses across the state through Kickstarter funding. thephoblographer.com »

2018-12-27 02:00

PhoGo App Aims to Change How Clients and Freelance Photographers Connect

Ever needed a photographer for an urgent project but can't seem to find one? Alternatively, are you a photographer having a hard time getting started with your career because clients can't seem to find you? The solution could soon come in the form of the PhoGo app, which promises to transform the freelance photography market as it stands today. thephoblographer.com »

2018-12-16 20:00