Результатов: 72

Sony зарегистрировала новую камеру High End E-mount!

После месяцев ожиданий время отсутствия хороших новостей о возможных анонсах Sony закончилось! Компания зарегистрировала новую High End E-mount камеру в Азии. Она получила код WW271448 и есть веская причина, почему мы предполагаем, что эта камера высокого класса: в оснащении значится модуль беспроводной связи Wi-Fi 5. mx-camera.ru »

2020-4-30 15:43

The End of ‘Good Enough’: Are Clients Waking Up to the Value of High Quality Photography?

Photographer Joseph Cristina thinks the era of “good enough” is ending, and that’s great news for photographers. In a recent vlog, Cristina explains why he thinks professional photographers are going to benefit from a “return to quality” as more and more clients get burned by sub-par work. It’s not often we hear a positive hot […] petapixel.com »

2019-11-20 22:02

(SR5) Sony will soon announce a new High End APS-C camera with EVF in the middle (like the A7 series)

Image on top is just a mockup I made that should give you the idea of how this could look Two reliable sources confirmed that Sony is ready to launch a new High End APS-C E-mount Camera. And both told me this: The new camera will have the EVF in the middle just like the […] The post (SR5) Sony will soon announce a new High End APS-C camera with EVF in the middle (like the A7 series) appeared first on sonyalpharumors. sonyalpharumors.com »

2018-10-1 16:59