Результатов: 2590

A Photographer’s Hilarious Photos of Being Stuck in Quarantine with Ex-Wife and Mother

Neil Kramer has spent close to a year quarantining with his ex-wife and mother in a two-bedroom, one-bathroom Queens, New York City rent-controlled compact apartment. This has produced a sitcom of chaotically humorous photographs that are actually based on real-life situations that have occurred while they are holed up. His mother usually spends winters in […] petapixel.com »

2021-1-9 19:46

Last Year, I Went On A Trip And Took Selfies With My Girlfriend’s Photos (32 Pics)

I took a road trip last year. It was a 6-day euro-tour to Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Austria, driving with "The Great Rally" on the most beautiful Alpine roads. My girlfriend had exams so unfortunately, she couldn't join me—therefore, I decided to print a few photos of her and take them with me on the trip. boredpanda.com »

2020-12-21 15:17

Google Фото научится добавлять 3D-эффекты на обычные снимки

Google Фото скоро позволит делать так, чтобы обычные фотографии выглядели как 3D-снимки. Такой тип изображений компания называет Cinematic photos ("кинематографические фото»). Это новый тип изображений, который приложение Google Фото сможет показывать в Memories ("Воспоминаниях»). photorealm.ru »

2020-12-16 21:17

Лучше снимки Worlds Best Wedding Photos

Свадебные фотографы должны смотреть на жизнь со всех сторон. Они снимают под проливным дождем, под резким полуденным солнцем, в мороз, на вершинах гор, в пылающих пустынях и в самых темных пещерах. Часто им приходится делать интересные фотографии в скучных конференц-залах и в местах, которые грязны, темны или просто непривлекательны, и у них есть всего несколько […] photar.ru »

2020-12-12 21:40

Google Photos now syncs 'liked' images with Apple's iOS Camera Roll

Apple and Google haven’t always gotten along, but there are times when the two work together to make life easier for end-users, regardless of what mobile operating system they’re using. One of the latest examples of this is a new feature baked into Google Photos that makes it possible to sync ‘liked’ and ‘favorited’ images between Google Photos and the iOS Camera Roll app. dpreview.com »

2020-12-11 19:28