Результатов: 48

Представлена новая версия боковой рукоятки со встроенной батареей Tilta Left Side PD

Компания Tilta представила обновленную версию боковой рукоятки для камер с функцией зарядки и запуска/остановки записи — Tilta Left Side PD Type VIII. Устройство оснащено 50 Вт батареей, которая обеспечивает более длительное время работы, нежели стандартная батарея камеры. photar.ru »

2023-2-2 12:38

Боковая ручка Tilta Left Side PD Type VIII

Компания Tilta представила обновлённую версию своей боковой ручки Tilta Left Side PD с функцией старта и стопа записи. Ручка крепится к ригу камеры слева, она оснащена аккумуляторной батарей мощностью 60 Вт для питания совместимых камер или аксессуаров. photowebexpo.ru »

2023-1-31 22:18

Film vs. Digital: Side by Side Comparison of 35mm, Medium Format, and Mirrorless Photos

Yes, it's already 2019 but looks like we're still not done with the film vs. digital shenanigans. But, more than a topic of debate, this video by Shutterstock Tutorials is a side by side comparison that should actually come in useful whether you're a pure digital shooter curious about the film look, or a hybrid shooter wanting a more detailed study of how each medium compares. thephoblographer.com »

2019-1-12 08:00

Mark Tipple’s Underwater Photography Documents a Different Side of Surf

Surf photography is one of the most fascinating and exciting genres, but Australian freelance photographer and filmmaker Mark Tipple had a different idea in mind for his own approach. Instead of taking snaps of the agile surfers as they ride out the waves, he chose to capture what happens during a wipeout or a plunge into the turbulent waters. thephoblographer.com »

2018-3-22 22:00

Photographer Reveals The “Addicted” Side Of The Streets Of Philadelphia, And It’s Terrifying

Kensington Avenue in North Philadelphia is infamous for drug abuse and prostitution. The Avenue runs 3 miles through what is now a dangerous and crime-ridden neighborhood. Kensington Blues is a photography series by Jeffrey Stockbridge, 36, that documented the struggles and the dark reality of local residents. boredpanda.com »

2018-1-2 23:54