Результатов: 63

Sigma announces the BF camera carved from a single block of aluminium!

I think you should take a close look at the new Sigma BF camera (here at BHphoto). The main reason is that it has a radically minimalist design, which I personally really like! Here is some important information: carved from a single block of aluminum minimalist controls 230 GB of internal memory No EVF, no… The post Sigma announces the BF camera carved from a single block of aluminium! first appeared on sonyalpharumors. sonyalpharumors.com »

2025-2-25 00:09

How to Light Catalog Quality Product Shots with a Single Speedlight

In this nine-minute video from Workphlo, photographer Dustin Dolby explains how to light catalog quality reflective product photos using just a single Speedlight. To start, Dolby suggests shooting the products separately to avoid them reflecting onto each other, making it easier to get an ultra-clean look for each piece. Dolby also suggests using an app […] petapixel.com »

2021-9-17 22:54

Обзор штатива Manfrotto 635 Fast Single и видеоголовы 504X

В то время пока фотоштативы эволюционировали, становились компактнее, легче и надёжнее, видеоштативы оставались неизменными в течение многих лет. Как правило – это тяжёлые и далеко не компактные устройства, оно и понятно, ведь таким штативам приходится работать с массивными камерами и обвесом. photar.ru »

2021-8-31 11:30

Тест видеоштативов Manfrotto FAST и голов Manfrotto Nitrotech

Жидкостные видеоголовы с бесступенчатым контрбалансом Manfrotto Nitrotech 608 (MVH608AH) и Manfrotto Nitrotech 612 (MVH612AH) — это профессиональные инструменты для качественной видеосъёмки. Nitrotech 608 подойдёт для работы с профессиональными кино- и видеокамерами. prophotos.ru »

2021-5-6 20:30

This Incredible ‘MoonWalk’ Photo Was Captured in a Single Shot

Sony Artisans Renan Ozturk and Taylor Rees recently captured something incredible, both photographically and physically. In partnership with Sony, they shot some spectacular photos and video of slack line artist Andy Lewis performing a free solo high line between two desert towers in Utah, with a massive moon as his background. As with any “once-in-a-lifetime” […] petapixel.com »

2020-8-8 21:42

Shooting Creative Holiday Portraits at Night with a Single Flash

Photographer and YouTuber Irene Rudnik was recently scrolling through Instagram when she stumbled across some beautiful blue-hour snow portraits by photographer @kateblc. Like any good artist, she decided to run with that inspiration, and in the video above, she takes us along behind the scenes to see how she captured a beautiful holiday-themed nighttime portrait […] petapixel.com »

2019-12-27 17:44

Single Use: Has Instagram Become Today’s Digital Disposable Camera?

It's no longer a surprise for many that Instagram was inspired by Polaroids and the distinct look of film photography. But, is this nostalgic aesthetic the only aspect that the popular social media platform copied (or borrowed, if you want to put it lightly)? Or, has it also become the unwitting modern-day counterpart of the disposable camera? thephoblographer.com »

2019-4-25 07:00

How to Take Beautiful Portraits with a Single Lighting Set Up

When you’re shooting portraits in a studio, you’d usually pull all the stops and use a lighting set up that requires at least two light sources to properly illuminate your subjects. But when you’re looking for something a bit more dramatic – or if you’re working with limited equipment, really – you might want to try using just one light source. thephoblographer.com »

2018-9-3 16:00

What Facebook Can Learn About You From a Single Uploaded Photo

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is testifying on Capitol Hill this week regarding his company’s use of users’ personal data. Zuckerberg denied secretly listening to users through microphones for ad targeting, but the company is able to quietly collect quite a bit of data from a single uploaded photo. The Wall Street Journal has […] petapixel.com »

2018-4-11 21:58

Canon’s Inkjet Single and Multi-Function Printers Receive a Consumer Electronics Industry Performance Award for ‘Top Increase in Market Share, North America’ From the NPD Group

This Award Marks a Company First for the Inkjet Single and Multi-Function Printer Group from NPD MELVILLE, N.Y., January 9, 2018 – Canon U.S.A. Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, has received a consumer electronics industry performance award for the “Top Increase in Market Share” in the Inkjet Single and Multi-Function Printer category in North Read more... canonrumors.com »

2018-1-11 20:33