Lunar Lander Snaps Beautiful Photo of the Moon’s Surface
A spacecraft set to attempt a Moon landing next week has entered lunar orbit and captured a beautiful view of Earth's natural satellite. [Read More] »
Snaps - Ïîñëåäíèå íîâîñòè [ Ôîòî â íîâîñòÿõ ] | |
A spacecraft set to attempt a Moon landing next week has entered lunar orbit and captured a beautiful view of Earth's natural satellite. [Read More] »
Tokyo-based Astroscale Japan is a company attempting to deal with the growing problem of floating space garbage. As part of that mission, it recently completed a close fly-by of a discarded upper-stage rocket body, and the photo of space garbage it snapped is strikingly beautiful. [Read More] »
A satellite was able to capture a rare photo of the International Space Station as the two spacecraft hurtled past each other in space just 43 miles (69 kilometers) away. [Read More] »
Cue the anti-space litter campaigns. A satellite captured a historic photo of space debris during a new mission.
[Read More] »NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute's Danuri lunar orbiter crossed paths recently, and the former managed to snap a photo of the latter zipping past it at the relative velocity of 7,200 miles per hour. [Read More] »
Canon's groundbreaking micro-satellite, CE-SAT-IE, has entered orbit and successfully communicated with the ground station at Canon Electronics' Akagi Plant in Japan. [Read More] »
The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered a high-speed jet stream in Jupiter's lower stratosphere, approximately 25 miles above the planet's clouds. [Read More] »
Kanye West snapped at an acclaimed photographer who asked him to pose like Elvis Presley during a shoot in a recently emerged video. [Read More] »
A photographer captured a stunning image of the Vegas Golden Knights shaped like a heart as the ice hockey team celebrated winning the Stanley Cup. [Read More] »
A wildlife photographer suffered a horrific injury after his heavy-duty tripod snapped shut on his finger, causing a significant amount of permanent damage. [Read More] »
The Orion spacecraft captured this incredible photo as it passed by the Moon on its way home back to Earth.
[Read More] »Photographer Dan Ross Chatfield was on a road trip with friends at the Grand Canyon when he captured a photo of a marriage proposal by chance. Now he's hoping to find them so he can gift them the epic shot. [Read More] »
Last week, NASA's Mars Curiosity rover captured a photo of what looks like a purposefully carved doorway that leads somewhere into the depths of the Red Planet. [Read More] »
“I’m focused on what’s actually right in front of me,” candidly replies aviation photographer Camden Thrasher on how he keeps a clear head when airplanes are whizzing around him. An expert at freezing fast-moving aircraft, he’s taken some memorable images of them during his career. »
“I’m focused on what’s actually right in front of me,” candidly replies aviation photographer Camden Thrasher on how he keeps a clear head when airplanes are whizzing around him. An expert at freezing fast-moving aircraft, he’s taken some memorable images of them during his career. »
China’s Zhurong rover, which landed on Mars as part of its Tianwen-1 mission, has sent back its first images which include a panoramic photo of the landing site as well as a “selfie” that the rover captured of itself using a detachable, wireless camera. »
A wildlife photographer in Michigan has captured a strange once-in-a-lifetime shot of a small bird catching a free ride on a larger bird’s stick. Photographer Jocelyn Anderson was recently photographing an osprey (AKA sea hawk) at a pond when the curious encounter occurred. »
Japaneses astronaut Soichi Noguchi has emerged as the International Space Station’s resident photographer, uploading a slew of incredible images of Earth taken from the Cupola Observational Module. »
NASA astronaut Andrew Morgan just shared a photo and message from space to show his appreciation for the brave medical workers who are risking their health to save lives during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. »
Ever felt that a shot would have been perfect if not for distracting element in the background? Can't cut off or blur an annoying element behind your subject? Sometimes, it's hard to avoid cluttered and distracting backgrounds, but taking the time to pay extra attention to it will give you the best results. »
Ossi Saarinen is a Finnish wildlife photographer who believes that Finland is much more than extreme cold and darkness. He proves that by showing the enchanting and magical side of his motherland through his nature photography. »
Nitish Madan - an Indian wildlife photographer - has a soft spot for tigers. "I have a strange connection with them," he told one media outlet. "When I see one, I just can’t take my eyes off it. »
Looking for new ways to capture your favorite cities? Sometimes, a simple change in your shooting experience -- like shooting with a film camera -- can help you get into a different mood. If you're yet to try shooting in film, we think these CineStill 800T street photos by Istanbul-based art director Onur Kurt will inspire you to finally give it a go. »
The Hubble Space Telescope has captured a new portrait of Jupiter that shows the gas giant’s details, including the Great Red Spot, in a more intense color palette than in the past. The photo was captured back on June 27th, 2019, and just published this month by NASA. The telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3 shot […] »
A gunman was shot dead by police in downtown Dallas yesterday morning after opening fire outside a federal building. Veteran photojournalist Tom Fox was on the block when the shooting started, and he managed to bravely capture a photo of the masked man staring down the sidewalk into his camera. The Dallas Morning News reports […] »
Last time we featured Benji Messmer and his Leica M9 snaps from around the world, we had a look at how they remind us of chrome film's classic look. This time, we place the spotlight on his wanderlust-inducing roadtrip photos shot in the picturesque Dolomites. »
Leica cameras have been popular compact companions not only of street photographers, but also of on-the-go photographers. The Leica M9 in particular, despite turning 10 years old this year, remains a favorite travel camera of many today. »
We can't stress enough how zone focus is one one of the most useful techniques in street photography, so allow us to share yet another resource to help you get the hang of it. In this video by Swedish photographer and media producer Mattias Burling, he shows us how the popular technique can be of great help to those who find photographing people out in the streets intimidating. »
I’m New Zealand-born photojournalist Amos Chapple, and I’ve worked in some of the most extreme places on earth, most chillingly in Siberia’s “Pole of Cold” where villagers endure temperatures that can drop below -94°F (-70°C). »
New Jersey photographer John Entwistle was shooting a sunset recently when an unusual rainbow appeared in the sky: it was what’s known as a supernumerary rainbow, or a rainbow with one or more fainter rainbows stacked with it. »
Everyone likes sharing those instant prints on social media, but sometimes, the smartphone camera just doesn't give it justice. The best way to digitize Instax or Polaroid snaps have always been to scan them. »
NASA’s newest planet-hunting satellite has captured its first photograph — a dazzling one that shows over 200,000 stars. NASA writes that the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) just completed a flyby of the moon on May 17th, passing at about 5,000 miles away for a “gravity assist” toward its final orbit. And to test out […] »
Back on September 20th, 2016, an Argentinian amateur astronomer named Victor Buso was setting up and testing a new camera on his telescope when he captured something that may have never been caught on camera before: the first moments of a supernova. »
A 13-year-old 7th-grader is Insta-famous today after he snapped a selfie with singer Justin Timberlake on national TV during the Super Bowl halftime show. Ryan McKenna found himself next to Timberlake during the concert as the singer walked up into the crowd. »
While traveling in Rome, photographer Oliver KMIA discovered how popular tourist spots were crowded with tourists fighting to shoot their own precious personal photo. He later scoured Instagram and created this 2-minute video, titled “Instravel,” which shows a “photogenic mass tourism experience” and how so many of our travel photos look exactly like other people’s. […] »
All images by Ryan Brown. Used with Creative Commons permission. Cities at their busiest times are among the favorite subjects of street photographers. The energy can be hypnotic, and the activity often makes for an interesting profile of its city dwellers. »
If you enjoyed browsing through the many faces that Kremer Johnson Photography photographed around Los Angeles, you'll surely find their many other narrative portraits equally interesting. For today, let's head out of their usual playground and revisit their portrait adventures in the central Mojave Desert. »
On April 26th, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft made its first-ever “Grand Finale” dive through the gap between Saturn and the planet’s rings. As it shot around the gas giant, Cassini snapped a lengthy series of closest-ever photos showing the features of the atmosphere. »
The Library Book is a lavish creation of sweeping 360° panoramic photography of U. S. libraries by Thomas R. Schiff and published by Aperture. The book beautifully captures the shifting architectural styles through 120 images from the very earliest American libraries to modernist masterpieces. »
In order to show how easy it is for complete strangers to gather information about you, Egor Tsvetkov spent six weeks taking around 100 pictures of subway commuters in St Petersburg before using a facial recognition app called FindFace to track down their internet profiles. »
British photographer Melvin Nicholson of Preston, Lancashire, is receiving international attention this week after his photo of a “white rainbow” went viral in the media. Nicholson shot the photo in Rannoch Moor, Scotland, this past Sunday while preparing for a workshop. »
While shooting recently in Kamchatka, Russia, Dutch photographer Tomas van der Weijden captured this remarkable photo of an erupting volcano and a streaking meteor being reflected in a lake. Van der Weijden has titled the photo “Volcano Magic. »
SNAPSNAP is a new camera strap design that works with a backpack in order to counterbalance the weight of your camera and reduce the strain on your neck — perfect for travelers who want to keep their heavy camera at the ready for long periods of time. The design has two components: magnetic clips that […] »