Результатов: 72

Zhiyun выпустили монитор-контроллер MasterEye Visual Controller VC100

Компания Zhiyun анонсировала монитор-контроллер MasterEye Visual Controller VC100. Это устройство сочетает в себе функции монитора и пульта дистанционного управления камерой. Основные возможности монитора-контроллера MasterEye Visual Controller VC100: Максимальная яркость экрана 1000 нит, коэффициент контрастности 1200:1, плотность пикселей 400 пикселей на дюйм. photar.ru »

2022-10-7 13:07

10 победителей конкурса Visual Storytelling

Победители и финалисты конкурса Visual Storytelling от Independent Photographer были объявлены в январе 2021 года. От классического социального документирования событий до образного повествования, искусство визуализации охватывает широкий спектр возможностей в своей основе. photar.ru »

2021-2-22 19:03

Sony Unveils Visual Story, A New Cloud Storage iOS App for Pro Photogs

Sony today announced Visual Story, a new free iOS app that provides gallery creation, cloud storage, and web delivery to professional wedding and event photographers who shoot Sony cameras. Once the app is paired with your Sony camera, the photos you shoot can automatically be transferred to your iPhone or iPad as they’re created, as […] petapixel.com »

2020-12-1 22:02

Photography Cheat Sheet: Light Fall Off Visual Guide

Not so long ago, we shared a simple illustration of how the Inverse Square Law works and how it affects the way your subjects or scenes are lit. If you found it useful for understanding the technicalities of the relationship between distance and the brightness of light, we have yet another visual guide for you. This time, it shows us the law at work in the studio! thephoblographer.com »

2020-4-2 10:00

Visual Flow's new presets are custom made based on lighting conditions in an image

Visual Flow, the company launched by DVLP and SLR Lounge, has introduced 'The Modern Pack,' a series of 10 presets for Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw. The Modern Pack stands out from competitors, according to Visual Flow, because it is 'lighting condition-based,' meaning that it does not require the 'perfect lighting and weather conditions' for which other presets are designed. dpreview.com »

2019-10-31 21:12

Visual Flow Unveils Lighting Condition-Based Lightroom and ACR Presets

The folks at SLR Lounge and DVLOP have teamed up to create a new venture called Visual Flow, which today unveiled a new patent-pending “lighting condition-based approach to image development.” Visual Flow says that most presets out on the market — even those pricey ones geared at professionals — don’t work well because they only […] petapixel.com »

2019-10-30 18:27

Incredible Real-Time Visual Effects Tech Replaces Green Screens with LED Walls

Real-time in-camera VFX might sound like a pipe dream, but Unreal Engine has just published a demo that shows exactly that with Project Spotlight. Using “next-generation virtual production tools,” Project Spotlight is able to render and manipulate real-time environments with startling realism, replacing green or blue screens with LED walls. The demo was filmed at […] petapixel.com »

2019-8-22 20:20

Приложение Moment Pro добавляет режим HDR+ с поддержкой Visual Core

Компания Moment выпустила обновление своего приложения для камер смартфонов Moment Pro, которое предоставляет пользователем Pixel 2 доступ к съемке в режимеHDR+, аналогично родному приложению Google Camera. onfoto.ru »

2018-8-4 20:40

Moment Pro добавляет HDR+ с поддержкой Visual Core в Pixel 2

Moment выпустила обновление своего приложения камеры Moment Pro, которое даст владельцам смартфонов Pixel 2 доступ к режиму HDR+, который используется в стандартной камере Google. Компания Google ещё в феврале выпустила обновление Android, которое открывает доступ к функциональности HDR+ и дополнительному визуальному процессору сторонним разработчикам. photar.ru »

2018-8-3 12:49

Mark Turtoo Creates Haunting Visual Stories of Loneliness and the Human Psyche

I’m a visual artist, a photographer and storyteller infusing life into the stories that populate my head. constantly exploring new ways to create and always trying to implement new techniques and experiments in what I do, I have been mixing cinema with my images for a very long time now, to the point where it can be considered an essential part of my style. thephoblographer.com »

2018-7-27 13:00