The Best Cameras for Shooting JPEG Photos You’ll Love

Oh man! Very few things excite me like not needing to edit the photos I just shot. They keep me in the moment and ensure that I'm not shooting for the edit. Instead, I'm shooting for the moment and getting the photo the best possible in-camera.

In fact, certain cameras are just so good that I don't need to edit the photos. We've tested a bunch here at the Phoblographer over the past 13 years. So here are the best cameras for shooting JPEG photos. .

photos shooting best edit cameras

2022-5-16 19:00

photos shooting → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 34 / photos shooting - ôîòî


Shooting UV Film Photos with a 1987 Hasselblad Medium Format Camera

My name is Pierre-Louis Ferrer, and I am a professional French photographer specialized in photography beyond visible for ten years now, including infrared and ultraviolet techniques. I spend a large part of my free time reading, experiencing, testing, and talking with experts in various domains linked with these techniques. My professional work is mostly divided […] »

2021-02-11 22:27


Shooting Creepy Photos of Women in Public Isn’t a Crime, Court Rules

An appeals court has ruled that a 40-year-old man who followed women around with a camera to shoot creepy images of them did not commit any crime because the photography was done in public places. The New York Times reports that three women accused 40-year-old David Eric Lambert of following them around large stores (a […] »

2020-05-16 19:13


Shooting K9 Charity Calendar Photos for the Waterloo Police

The classic cop story: a devious crime, a detailed investigation, an exciting high-speed chase, an intense interrogation, a news conference with flashing popping as the police show off their impressive bust… except this one involves more drool, flying fur, and a gruesome pile of bones — dog bones, that is. The Waterloo Region Police approached […] »

2019-11-22 19:13