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What Parallelism Is and How to Use it to Improve Your Photography

I’ve always had a fascination with geometry and man-made structures, their perfection has a strong attraction on me. It took me time to realize that what I appreciated most wasn’t necessarily their symmetry or the simple repetition of shapes but the parallelism between the various elements of the construction of an image. To better understand […] petapixel.com »

2019-1-11 20:27

How is Photography Affecting Us?

In the past two decades, most people went from not carrying a camera to always having a smartphone camera with them at all times. With millions upon millions of photos shot (and shared) every single day, how is this explosion in photography affecting us? Here’s a 10-minute video by WIRED that explores that question. To […] petapixel.com »

2019-1-5 18:00

It’s Lit: How to Do Flash Photography Under the Sun Like a Pro

When the sun’s blazing outside, our instinct is to forego flash photography and just use ambient light. But as photographer Ed Gregory of the YouTube channel Photos in Color demonstrates in his seven-minute tutorial, speedlights and studio flashes can actually be your allies if you’re looking to create stunning and perfectly exposed photographs. thephoblographer.com »

2018-11-7 17:00

How to Shoot Fireworks with Film: An Analog Photography Tutorial

With pyrotechnics, the stars of the show are quite literally, shooting stars, “stars” being the fireworks industry’s term for those bits of flying sparkly fire. As in any performance, stars need a stage, and in a photograph, the stage is everything else in the frame: the dark sky, buildings, or monuments, even your fellow audience members watching the show. thephoblographer.com »

2018-6-28 13:00

How to Deal with Friends Requesting Discounts on Your Photography

Photographers often receive requests for free images and services, and messages from friends asking for your services at extremely discounted rates are not much better. Here’s a helpful 3-minute video by Josh Enobakhare of Olufemii Tutorials in which he shares a number of ways that you can avoid needing to give that awkward “no.” Josh […] petapixel.com »

2017-10-24 21:01

On How Photography Taught Me to Cherish Moments

I'm an amateur photo-hobbyist living in Tokyo, Japan. I picked up photography around 3 years ago, thinking I could jump into a new realm of world that I've never understood before. Prior to picking up a camera, I was a normal college undergrad who puts studying first before most of my hobbies; however, photography taught me that I should cherish the people and the moments around me and try to remember them especially as a foreigner living in a wonderful place like Japan. thephoblographer.com »

2017-10-9 13:00

How My Approach to Street Photography Has Changed After More Than a Decade of Photographing New York

The time-honored approach to improving one's photography has always been time spent out there taking pictures. Education, gallery shows, and reading photography books can do wonders for a person's development, but there is nothing that comes close to the importance of just going out there constantly for a long period of time. thephoblographer.com »

2017-3-28 19:02