Результатов: 50

Одну из лучших игр для PlayStation 4 - Detroit: Become Human - распродают для ПК за полцены

Аттракцион неслыханной щедрости в Steam набирает обороты. Помимо того, что в сервисе сейчас действуют скидки на шутеры Call of Duty и симулятор строительства городов Cities: Skylines, упала цена и на одну из лучших игр для PlayStation 4 - Detroit: Become Human. ferra.ru »

2021-9-21 09:58

The Difficulties One Woman Faced to Become a Photojournalist in Somalia

Breaking through the barriers of cultural and gender norms in Somalia, Fardosa Hussein shares what it took for her to be able to practice what she is passionate about — photography, videography, and journalism — in a place where such a career is viewed with hostility and is, at times, dangerous for women. Hussein grew […] petapixel.com »

2021-7-24 22:58

Single Use: Has Instagram Become Today’s Digital Disposable Camera?

It's no longer a surprise for many that Instagram was inspired by Polaroids and the distinct look of film photography. But, is this nostalgic aesthetic the only aspect that the popular social media platform copied (or borrowed, if you want to put it lightly)? Or, has it also become the unwitting modern-day counterpart of the disposable camera? thephoblographer.com »

2019-4-25 07:00

Названы системные требования Heavy Rain, Detroit: Become Human и Beyond: Two Souls для ПК

Во время конференции GDC 2019, компания Epic Games объявила о скором выходе PlayStation-эксклюзивов Quantic Dream для ПК на базе Windows. Среди них оказались и Heavy Rain, Detroit: Become Human и Beyond: Two Souls. ferra.ru »

2019-3-25 10:56