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People Who Post Selfies are Seen as Insecure & Less Likeable, Study Shows

File this under “well… obviously” news. A new study conducted by Washington State University psychologists and published in the Journal of Research in Personality shows that people who post a lot of selfies are perceived as less likeable, less successful, more insecure and less open to new experiences. Yikes. The study was based exclusively on […] petapixel.com »

2019-8-22 17:39

ILFORD Shares How Their Prized Black and White Films are Made

It's always fascinating to learn about how our favorite things and everyday tools are made. For some photographers, of course, that includes their go-to film stocks. Black and white film photographers are definitely in for a treat, as ILFORD has recently shared a peek inside the HARMAN technology factory in Mobberley, England where the ILFORD and Kentmere product lines are made. thephoblographer.com »

2019-7-17 10:00

8 Incredible Fujifilm Lenses Under $500 That All Fujifilm Users Should Own

A lot of people think that switching to Fujifilm is out of their reach financially because many photographers think the lenses are just too expensive. Just like any other platform, yes, some of the Fujifilm lenses can be expensive, but there are also some cracking lenses for those that choose to shoot Fujifilm that cost under $500; in fact, I think there are more quality lenses under $500 on the Fujifilm platform than there are on competing systems. thephoblographer.com »

2019-7-10 01:00

Sheriff's Office issues public warning over cosplay photo shoot with large fake rifle

A cosplay photo shoot held on the public Seacliff State Beach in Monterey Bay, California prompted a warning from the Santa Cruz Sheriff’s Office. According to local news station KRON4, the photo shoot involved a very large replica rifle that, based on footage shared by the news agency, didn’t feature any sort of markers to indicate that it was fake. dpreview.com »

2019-7-6 22:43

Pinhole Cameras Are Taking 1,000-Year Exposures Around Lake Tahoe

So, how's your photography project going? You're probably doing a long-term documentary photography series, or maybe a collection of street portraits. Those will definitely take some time to complete, but surely not as long as the pinhole camera project of conceptual artist and experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats. thephoblographer.com »

2019-6-28 22:00