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Microsoft çàâåðøèò ïîääåðæêó Windows Mail, Calendar è People ñ 31 äåêàáðÿ

Microsoft îôèöèàëüíî çàâåðøèò ïîääåðæêó ñâîèõ ïðèëîæåíèé Windows Mail, Calendar è People 31 äåêàáðÿ, ÷òî îçíàìåíóåò êîíåö ýðû ýòèõ êëàññè÷åñêèõ ïðèëîæåíèé, ïèøóò ÑÌÈ. Ïîëüçîâàòåëÿì ðåêîìåíäóåòñÿ ïåðåéòè íà Outlook. ferra.ru »

2024-11-14 14:15

The Wildlife Photographer of the Year People’s Choice Awards Have So Many Good Photos

Not even a month ago, we had the delightful privilege of looking at the winners of the Wildlife Photographer of The Year. Those nineteen pictures, selected among almost fifty thousand entries, are an absolute joy to look at on the screen — I can’t even imagine how much of a pleasure it would be to look at them in print! Luckily, the joy is far from over, and there are further pictures to look at and to vote for. thephoblographer.com »

2023-11-29 03:01