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Ïðåäñòàâèëåíà êàìåðà Lomography Simple Use Reloadable è ïëåíêà LomoChrome Turquoise

Êîìïàíèÿ Lomography îáúÿâèëà î âûïóñêå íîâåéøåé êàìåðû â ëèíåéêå ïë¸íî÷íûõ ôîòîàïïàðàòîâ: Simple Use Reloadable è ïëåíêó — LomoChrome Turquoise.  ñåðèþ Simple Use âõîäÿò äîñòóïíûå êàìåðû äëÿ òåõ ïîëüçîâàòåëåé, êîòîðûå òîëüêî ïðîáóþò ñåáÿ â ïë¸íî÷íîé ôîòîãðàôèè. photar.ru »

2023-1-21 11:33

How to Make A Simple DIY Loupedeck or StreamDeck Alternative

As creatives are tasked with greater and greater volumes of work, accessories to help speed up their workflow become more and more valuable. While editing consoles can be incredibly useful, they can also be incredibly expensive, which is why YouTuber "Pedro" of DSLR DIY CNC has shared how you can build your own custom "InfiniteDeck" for just about $50. [Read More] petapixel.com »

2022-10-17 19:28

A Simple Documentary Photo Project Can Inspire You Shoot Again

A simple local documentary project can help you return back to enjoying your personal photography, even after a long break. There are plenty of photographers who haven’t picked up their cameras for months due to the unforeseen long-term break imposed by COVID-19 restrictions and the impact this global pandemic has had on people’s mental health, […] petapixel.com »

2021-4-29 19:37

A Simple Four-Step Framework for Better Landscape Photo Compositions

In photography, many aspects can make an image successful, and in my opinion, what defines the bones of a great photo is a good composition. Instead of thinking composition like a series of canonical rules, I much prefer to use principles like connection, tone, colors, shape, relationship, light gestures, and so on. I would say […] petapixel.com »

2021-4-29 00:10

Capture Creative Splash Photography with this Simple DIY ‘Catapult’

Matt Huber over at YouTube channel The Garage Learning has put together a fun and creative walkthrough that takes a different approach to splash photography. Instead of manually throwing water onto his subject, he designed a simple ‘DIY catapult’ that does the job much better than he can. Huber originally came up with this idea […] petapixel.com »

2020-6-9 21:58

A Simple Editing Tip for Creating More Dramatic Landscape Photos

Landscape photographer and YouTuber Mark Denney recently shared what might be his most controversial photo editing tip yet. In a video titled “The Simple Secret of Creating Dramatic Landscape Photos” he argues that a Vignette—yes, a Vignette—is one of the single most effective ways to improve your landscape photographs. In the video, Denney covers four […] petapixel.com »

2020-1-30 21:14